
Have a Seat at the Lounge

Since this is a still a small community and we see the same faces everywhere, I thought it'd be nice to get to know each other. Share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with! You can use the following as a guideline:

  • location: New York
  • interests/hobbies: philosophy, psychology, guitar, tennis
  • 5 music artists: Radiohead, Pixies, Crystal Castles, Pulp, Queen
  • 5 films: Oldboy, Gattaca, American Psycho, Fight Club, Spaghetti Westerns
  • 5 shows: Game of Thrones, Arrested Development, Archer, Firefly, Twin Peaks
  • 5 games: StarCraft, Diablo, Left 4 Dead, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Sims 3 (I like to build houses)
  • a dream/goal of mine: to go into outer space
  • two truths and a lie: (1) I can run 100 meters in 10 seconds, (2) I read at least three books per week, (3) I don't know how to drive

Call people out on their lies :) If you like, you can wait until several people have guessed before revealing the truth.

Follow people who intrigue you or have the same interests. Maybe you can get together and create a tribe.

9 years ago by Moderator with 129 comments

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Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • Jonah (edited 9 years ago)

    * location: Minnesota

    * interests/hobbies: computers and tech, web development, writing

    * 5 music artists: Pegboard Nerds, Taylor Swift (yep, way too catchy), Owl City, Pentatonix, and of course, Weird Al

    * 5 films: Spy, Good Will Hunting, The Matrix, Interstellar, Pitch Perfect 2

    * 5 shows: Parks and Recreation, The Office, 30 Rock, Futurama, Rick and Morty

    * 5 games: Minecraft, Gran Turismo 5, Billionaire., Clash of Clans (w/ Ultrapowa), and Little Inferno

    * a dream/goal of mine: To start my business

    * two truths and a lie: (1) I was born in Minnesota, (2) When I was born I almost immediately died from oxygen deprivation, and (3) I hate sleeping, and try to do it as little as possible.

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

    • picklefingers

      Our number 2 is the exact same thing haha

      • Jonah (edited 9 years ago)

        Really? Wait, where's yours? (searches)

        Edit: Ahaha it is, that's bizarre. Is your #2 the lie or the truth?

        • picklefingers (edited 9 years ago)

          Maybe its truth. Maybe its a lie. whhoooo knoooows Edit: It's the truth.

    • Moderator

      Number 3!

Conversation 16 comments by 7 users
  • spaceghoti (edited 9 years ago)

    * Location: Denver

    * interests/hobbies: astronomy, science fiction, writing, fencing, martial arts, computers, scripting

    * 5 music artists: 2 Cellos, Sarah McLachlan, Queen, Mozart, Daft Punk

    * 5 films: Return of the Jedi, Matrix, Avengers, Cabin in the Woods, Serenity

    * 5 shows: Constantine (RIP), Big Bang Theory, Marvel: Agents of Shield, Firefly, Buffy

    * 5 games: Munchkin, World of Warcraft (retired), Master of Orion: Battle at Antares, Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire/Mage

    * a dream/goal of mine: to move back to Australia, or at least retire in western Canada.

    * two truths and a lie: (1) I hate the cold with a passion, (2) I was born and bred in upstate New York and (3) I should have my book written by the end of the year.

    • bkool

      1 (cold) is the lie. You love the cold don't you haha.

    • alapseofsanity

      I want to guess that you're not writing a book, but for some reason I feel like an asshole guessing that.

    • Lagz

      I think the lie is that you hate the cold.

      • spaceghoti

        I wish that was the lie. :/

        • Kysol

          Yeah depending on where you lived in Australia, you'll either love or hate the cold. Brisbane, so I love the cold. Screw 40C+ summers. You can dress up for Winter, there's only so much clothing you can take off in public before you're arrested.

          • Moderator

            Hah. I have the same attitude about the cold. I also thought all of Australia would be hot, so thanks for the education.

            • Kysol

              Tasmania apparently gets fairly cold in the winter. Had a friend go down there one time and complain about having to go outside for a smoke.

            • spaceghoti
              @Kysol -

              Tassies only think they know cold. Tassies don't know cold.

          • spaceghoti

            I was in Brisbane. I loved the heat. I grew up in cold, so I'll take all the heat I can get.

            • Kysol

              Well I can confirm that it's a nice 20C here atm, feels 15C due to cloud cover.

            • spaceghoti
              @Kysol -

              We're at about 25C here. Next week we're forecasted to be in the mid-30s, and I'm looking forward to it. Of course Denver has a dry heat you might appreciate more.

    • Moderator

      I'm going to guess number 2, and that you're originally from Australia.

      • spaceghoti

        No, I meant it when I said I grew up in the cold. I grew up in upstate New York, the Buffalo south towns where the ground disappeared under snow around November and didn't reappear until May. I learned to hate the cold while delivering newspapers.

        • Moderator

          Nice. I lived in Rochester for a time so I know all about that snow.

          • AvocadoAtLaw

            And then you have people like me, who have never seen snow in their lives. For better or worse.

Conversation 17 comments by 6 users
  • alapseofsanity (edited 9 years ago)

    location: Los Angeles

    interests/hobbies: music/guitar, gaming, books/comic, film,

    5 music artists: Opeth, Cynic, Slayer, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky

    5 films: Pulp FIction, Evil Dead, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, The Dark Knight

    5 shows: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul (I'll lump these two together), The Flash, South Park, Metalocalypse

    5 games: Bioshock (all), Fallout 3/New Vegas, Portal 1&2, Borderlands (all), GTA

    a dream/goal of mine: Actually become a professional, working, touring musician

    two truths and a lie:

    (1) I can play the theremin

    (2) I have a Batman tattoo

    (3) I snuck a flask full of rum into a showing of Mad Max

    EDIT: formatting

    • Moderator

      Hey, we have the same dream! (Though, I listed a different one.) Electric guitar?

      If we cross paths let's jam out to some metal :)

      • alapseofsanity

        Hell yeah! Yes I play electric and classical guitar :)

    • picklefingers

      Number 2. You would't have a batman tattoo then list the dark knight last.

      • alapseofsanity

        Nope, I have a Batman tattoo :)

        • picklefingers

          Then number 1

          • alapseofsanity

            Okay you got it. I wish I could though.

            • KingAztek

              wait so that means you actually did sneak a flask of rum into a Mad Max showing....how was it?

            • alapseofsanity
              @KingAztek -

              Oh it was awesome. I was taking my buddy, it was my second time seeing it. We were already pretty drunk beforehand so we basically poured the flask into a giant coke and sucked it down. That movie is basically a roller coaster ride as it is so being drunk only enhanced the excitement of it.

        • Kysol

          Please tell me that it's a sleeve of the scene where Joker comes back to the GCPD to retrieve an item of his.

          So much ink... so much :D

          • alapseofsanity

            Are we talking about the same incarnation of the joker in my user pic? Because New 52 joker would definitely make for a great tattoo.

            It's actually pretty small though. I do plan on expanding the tattoo one day but I can't afford what it would cost. Currently it's just a small bat-emblem on my wrist.

            • Kysol

              I was trying to not give away the scene, but yeah it would be a rather black tattoo with lots of "sounds". Seriously the creepiest scene I've read in that storyline. I've just finished the Death of the Family story arc. Need to get back into reading them.. got a year or so back log I think.

            • picklefingers

              You know we expect a picture now, right :P

            • alapseofsanity
              @picklefingers -


              There you go. Sorry if it's not as exciting as you hoped.

            • picklefingers
              @alapseofsanity -

              Thats pretty cool. Ya, not very exciting, but its a good place to start.

      • Kysol

        Awesome catch

    • bkool

      (2) is the lie.

Conversation 7 comments by 5 users
  • KingAztek (edited 9 years ago)

    location: Oceanside, CA

    interests/hobbies: music, politics, sports, gaming

    5 music artists: Drake, AC/DC, Ariana Grande (dead serious, I think she's awesome), Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake

    5 films: Pulp Fiction, Mad Max: Fury Road, Birdman, Saving Private Ryan, American Psycho

    5 shows: Breaking Bad, House of Cards, House, M.D., American Horror Story, The Walking Dead

    5 games: Madden NFL, FIFA, Civilization 5, Sly Cooper, Bioshock

    a dream/goal of mine: Leave a net positive impact to society

    two truths and a lie: (1) I've experienced 9 seizures in life, (2) I've had the same political views for a long time, (3) When I was young, I once did a rain dance shortly before it started raining

    • Moderator

      Tough one. Is is number 2?

      • KingAztek

        Yeah it's number 2. This time last year I was your typical rank-and-file conservative Republican. Now I volunteer for the Bernie Sanders' campaign.

    • bkool

      I want to answer your lie Q but what is "siezes"?

      • KingAztek

        It's supposed to say seizures. It's fixed now

        • [Deleted Profile]

          [This comment was removed]

    • picklefingers

      I know the truth but I'll hold my tongue since I know you haha.

  • canuck (edited 9 years ago)

    location: Ontario at the moment

    interests/hobbies: hockey, sports in general, movies, tv shows, hockey, hockey

    5 music artists: Eminem, 2Pac, BIG, Drake, Justin Bieber (JK)

    5 films: Shawshank Redemption, Interstellar, American Gangster, Independence day (from when I was a kid)

    5 shows: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad (now converted to Better Call Saul), Walking Dead, Lost (I miss it), Mad Men

    5 games: Civ 5, SC 2, DOTA, Any good RPG, Any good FPS

    a dream/goal of mine: travel 100 countries (at approx 25 so a long ways to go)

    two truths and a lie: (1) I can stay up for 72 hours, (2) I play hockey (3) I've spent time in prison

    • Moderator

      You're very Canadian :D

      I'm gonna go ahead and call you out on number 3. If not that, then number 1. Maybe we can play some StarCraft sometime. Thanks for stopping by.

      • canuck

        Haha yea, I forgot to call you out!

        My guess is that 2 is a lie. I'd believe 1 or maybe 2, but 3 is a ton of reading.

        • Moderator

          Haha, you got me. I guess that was a little too obvious.

    • Kysol

      3 - Canada doesn't have guns, so it doesn't have a need for Prison. -- Joking, I'll say 2 as you would want to play Hockey, an injury sustained in a local moose riding competition meant that your dreams to play were shattered like your femur... ok ok I kid... geeze tough crowd. For realsies I'd say 2 as a legit answer.

      • canuck

        So 2 and 3 as the truths and 1 as the lie?

        • Kysol

          Sorry I mean 2 was the lie. I need coffee stat!

    • bkool

      1 (sleep) is a lie. I can't even do 36 hours.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 9 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

  • AnotherFuture

    * Location: Miami * Interests/Hobbies: Biking, Jukely, Sports, Video Games, Netflix * 5 music artists: Grimes, Crystal Castles, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Kendrick Lamar * 5 films: The Big Lebowski, The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Pulp Fiction, Blade Runner * 5 shows: The Sopranos, South Park, Breaking Bad, Archer, Louie * 5 games: Binding of Isaac, Hotline Miami, Halo, GTA, Metroid Prime * A dream/goal of mine: To grow wings and fly like a bird * Two truths and a lie: (1) I went to UCF (2) I'm on a reality TV show coming out this fall (3) I've gone to dozens of concerts and festivals

    • Splitfish (edited 9 years ago)

      You may want to fix your formatting.

      Also, I'm guessing 2, the reality TV show one as a lie.

    • Moderator

      Nice taste in music :)

      I'm also going to guess number 2.

  • Lagz

    location: Ohio
    interests/hobbies: Watching tv, spending time with my son,
    5 music artists: Eminem, Staind, Alice in Chains, Journey, Dry Kill Logic
    5 films: Finding Forester, Insidious,
    5 shows: Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Shark Tank, Luther, Sherlock Holmes
    5 games: Tap Titans right now, not much into games
    a dream/goal of mine: Own a house
    two truths and a lie: (1) I can bench press 275lbs (2) 6 years spent in the Army, (3) Going through a divorce

    • alapseofsanity

      Well, I hope the divorce is the lie.

      • Lagz

        Nope, currently going through a divorce.

    • Moderator

      I also hope number 3 is a lie, but if not that then number 1.

      • Lagz (edited 9 years ago)

        Number 3 is the truth. Soon I hope to bench 275 lbs though :)

        • Moderator

          Word, I'm sure you'll get there.

    • bkool

      3 (divorce) is the lie.

      • Lagz

        It's the truth.

  • wwarped (edited 9 years ago)

    Oh lets give this a go then.

    * Location: Lowestoft, England.

    * Interests/hobbies: Words in various shape, size, and form. history, cooking, sociology, psychology, art, urban exploration, nature, the list is huge.

    * 5 music artist: David Bowie, Blur, Pulp, The Kinks, Madness.

    * 5 films: Monty Python and The Holy Grail, The Life of Brian, Amelie, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Shaun of the Dead.

    * 5 shows: Green Wing, QI, Black Books, Bottom, Fry & Laurie.

    * 5 games: Does trying to come into contact with as few idiots as possible count? Minecraft, Prison Architect, Europa Universalis IV, but that’s about it.

    * A dream/goal: My partner to be fit and healthy again, and for my books to be published. Yeah that is two, but I like to break rules.

    * Two truths and a lie:

    (1) I once packed a rucksack and left everything else behind to set up home elsewhere, not that I knew where at the time. Ended up in another country and never returned.

    (2) At the age of 13 I had my long hair shaved it off to raise money for cancer awareness, never grew it long again and it has been every colour you can think off since.

    (3) I was in a group of freestyle BMX riders as a teenager. We appeared on a kids TV show, showcasing our talents, only two hours later I broke my leg and missed out on touring Europe.

    May I just add that the 5 best list will change slightly depending on mood, hour, weather, and just because I an indecisive. Oh and any mods out there, i don’t really like to break rules, honest.

    • Moderator

      You're so edgy, man.

      Great to meet another Pulp fan. Blur are great as well. I'm also going to guess number 1 is a lie.

      • wwarped

        Edgy? I have been called many things, most of them unrepeatable in polite society. But never edgy.

    • Splitfish

      The more details given, the tougher this is. Hmmm I'm gonna guess 1 is the lie but don't answer just yet.

      • wwarped

        It's been a little time so I guess I shall reveal. Number 3 is the lie, but only a little one. As I was skateboarding, not a BMX rider.

  • White (edited 9 years ago)

    Location: USA

    Interests/hobbies: games, art, television

    5 music artists: Sia, Nicki Minaj, Regina Spektor, Pentatonix, Daft Punk

    5 shows: Orange is the New Black, Weeds, Sense8, Rick and Morty, Steven Universe

    5 games: Borderlands 2, Smite, Wakfu, Transistor, Bastion


    Two truths and a lie: (a)I graduated from high school early (b) I have a tattoo on my lower back (c) My hair has been dyed various colors for the past 4 years

    • Moderator

      Is Sense8 that good? I've been thinking of checking it out.

      I'm going to guess that b is a lie. Unless you're not a guy, in which case it becomes a little more likely... Help me out!

      • White

        I loved sense8, but a lot of people have issues with it being slow. It's less of a TV series and more of a 12 hour movie.

        Don't the profile level icons show gender?(that's your help)

        • Moderator

          Ah, I see now. Then is it a?

          I guess it's tough to watch something slow unless you love where it's going. It's so easy to watch crappy shows because they just keep throwing things at you. I'll give it a shot, though.

          • White

            Answer: b was the lie

            • Moderator

              D'oh! Congrats on avoiding the tramp stamp.

            • bkool

              Way to make it legit tough.

  • Crator (edited 9 years ago)

    New here, seems like a good first post.

    Location: USA

    Interests: Animation, Art, Music, Philosophy, Video Games, Books

    Music: Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, Def Leppard, Jimi Hendrix, Livetune

    Films: Get Shorty, Madoka Magica Trilogy, Hatari, Rock N Rolla, Touch of Evil

    Shows: Peter Gunn, Black Dynamite, Clannad, Jack Benny, Looney Tunes

    Games: Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Smash Bros Project M, Donkey Kong Country, NFl Blitz 03, Danganronpa Series, Splatoon (extra cause I'm looking for people to play with)

    Dream/Goal: To become a decent artist

    2 Truths and 1 Lie

    1. I ran from the cops and escaped

    2. I destroyed a burger king bathroom

    3. I rode an alligator when I was 4 years old

  • picklefingers (edited 9 years ago)

    location: Southern California

    interests/hobbies: Programming, music, dicking around on the internet

    5 music artists: Chvrches, The Hush Sound, Pogo, D.R.U.G.S., Camila

    5 films: Mad Max, American Psycho, August Rush, Interstellar, Star Wars

    5 shows: Bates Motel, Louie, An Idiot Abroad, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Parks and Rec

    5 games: Civ 5, Insurgency, Kerbal Space Program, GTA: SA, Saints Row: The Third

    A dream/goal of mine: Travel the world with nothing but the clothes on my back

    Two truths; one lie: I have never eaten korean BBQ, I almost died at birth from oxygen deprivation, and I've owned 6 cats in my life.

    • KingAztek

      Damn you I actually don't know any of these. Well #1 is eliminated.....so is #2 the lie?

      • picklefingers

        No. True as well. I have owned well over 6 cats.

    • bkool

      1 (korean BBQ) is the lie.

    • Moderator

      Yeah Chvrches!

      Yeah, Korean BBQ is Cali is a no brainer. I'm going to guess number 3.

      • picklefingers

        You got it!

        But ya, Chvrches is the shit. Absolutely addicting music.

  • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

    - Location: Brisbane, Australia

    - Interests/Hobbies: Programming, Gaming, Achievement Hunting

    - 5 Music Artists: Black Sabbath, Nine Inch Nails, King Parrot, Mastodon, Baroness

    - 5 Films: Dr Strangelove, Bladerunner, Fight Club, Aliens Series, Anything Miyazaki

    - 5 Shows: X-Files, Twin Peaks, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, LOST

    - 5 Games: Final Fantasy Series, Tekken Series, Borderlands Series Life is Strange, Alan Wake

    - A Dream/Goal of mine: Run a small profitable company while still allowing me to be a Pro-Gamer.

    - Two truths and a lie: (1) I've been a programmer for 28 years, (2) I'm fluent in English and Japanese, (3) I worked in the adult industry

    • peyton

      あなたは日本語がわかりますか?日本語も分かります。スナプズが大すきです。 Anyway, all of that aside... My guess is number 3 is the lie.

      • Kysol

        Even though I've been to Japan 3 times now, I am not fluent in Japanese. I wish that I was. Truth be told that I have a survivalist level of the language and culture. I could live there without much issue, but I would feel very uncomfortable as I wouldn't fit in as well as I would want always feeling like I was a burden due to my lack of language skills. Can read to an extent, speak on the other hand is limited.

        (2) is a Lie (as much as I wish it was true, and maybe someday it will).

        Leaving (3) as True.

        It's not what you think. I've worked for two adult companies who created some of the biggest sites in the late 90's early 2000's before the free video phase too hold. My job wasn't to approve content (like most people joke), I was more at a technical level with the site programming and general upkeep of servers as well as the referral systems for webmasters sending traffic to our sites. For the record, we came down on them hard if we found that they had used exploits, or really dodgy code to "trick" users, or malware'd users computers (I had a webmaster do this to me at one point.. they we're with us for long after that). You'd be surprised to know that most of the stereotypes and ideas of what happens in the industry are so far from the truth that it makes what we actually do sound boring.

    • Splitfish

      I'll take a crack at the lie. The first one. You would have had to start programming in 1987. I didn't have my first PC till the late 90s.

      • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

        I used to read books from this series religiously as a kid. As a child I had access to Apple ][e and a C64 around 85->88 I used to dabble with the programs provided in the books learning how to change them. In 88/89 I got an Amiga 500 which later went on to learning AMOS, cut to 1993 where I changed up from AMOS to QBASIC (Gorillas was played far to often in that class). Around 1995 I was doing stuff with the web, and from there that lead to VB, ASP, C++, PHP, NodeJS, ObjC and the rest is history.

        Even though I don't classify what I was doing as "real" programming back in the lat 80's it technically was as I was experimenting and cutting my teeth in the industry that I now reside in. And to think, I went through most of high school focusing on art rather than computers.

        (1) is True (sickening fact is that I've been using computers for more than 7/10th of my life).

      • picklefingers

        Well if they are an older programmer, it doesn't sound too implausible.

        • Splitfish

          I know I had to stop and re-do the math when I first did it. I thought it would land me some time in the 70s.

  • CodeSoldier (edited 9 years ago)

    location: Kingston (Canada)
    interests: computer programming, filmography, science fiction, astronomy
    5 music artists: Seth Sentry, Eminem, Daft Punk, Dan Bull, Frank Sinatra
    5 films: The Matrix, Forrest Gump, Star Wars (IV-V-VI), Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy., Saving Private Ryan
    5 shows: Mad Men, The Sopranos, Firefly, Breaking Bad, Chuck
    5 games: SW:KOTOR, Mount and Blade, Splinter Cell, Age of Empires, Cannon Fodder
    a dream/goal of mine: Move to/work in the U.K.
    two truths and a lie: (1)I speak conversational French, (2)I've played the trumpet for 4 years (but I still suck), (3) I've never left North America

    • jackthetripper

      Not Kingston Jamaica mon?

    • Cheesemangeur

      Where exactly would you want to go in the UK?

      Number 3 is the lie?

      • CodeSoldier

        Not entirely sure, I am more of a big-city person, having grown up in the country, so maybe London? But the countryside over there sure sounds beautiful. Number 3 is true, I've only been to the U.S. and Canada.

    • Moderator

      Number 3 is the lie! Or number 2 for being very specific.

      • CodeSoldier

        Number 3 is true, and unfortunately number 2 is also true. I don't speak a lick of French, having dropped it the first year I could in high school!

  • SirMiguelOrtiz

    Location: Tennessee

    Interests/Hobbies: Technology, Video games, Writing, Art

    5 Games: Killer Instinct, Skullgirls, MK9, Hearthstone, FTL (even though I suck)

    5 Shows: Archer, @midnight, Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver, The Nightly Show w/ Larry Willmore, The Flash

    • Moderator

      Yeah Archer! Thanks for stopping by.

      • SirMiguelOrtiz

        Do you want upvotes Moderator? Because that's how you get upvotes. o/

  • spaceghoti

    I suspect 2 is your lie. Who has time for that many books anymore? ;)

    • Moderator

      Bingo! Unfortunately, I do have the time. I just don't make use of it :(

  • Gozzin (edited 9 years ago)

    * Location: Eastern North Carolina.

    * interests/hobbies: Nature watching, computers, art, playing music,gardening, reading.

    * 5 music artists: No longer follow music,but I like Celtic.

    * 5 films: First 2 Star wars, Star Trek IV.

    * 5 shows: Stargate SG-1,MASH, Babylon 5, Alien Nation, House.

    * 5 games: Tabletop Simulator, PokerTH, MInecraft.

    * a dream/goal of mine: To have a successful garden.

    * two truths and a lie: (1) I hate the cold with a passion, (2) I can play the hammer dulcimer and mandolin (3) I want to learn sky diving.

    • Moderator

      Another sci-fi fan!

      Is it number 1?

    • CodeSoldier

      First of all... I'm impressed by your counting skills haha. Second, Number 3 is the lie! You are actually afraid of heights.

  • Cheesemangeur (edited 9 years ago)

    Hi everyone :)

    *Location: Edinburgh
    *Interests/hobbies: movies, painting, Japanese
    *5 music artists: Foo Fighters, Iron Maiden, Stromae, Florence and the machine, Queen
    *5 films: Kill Bill, The Holy Grail, Trainspotting, There will be blood, La cité de la peur
    *5 shows: Game of Thrones, Orange is the new black, Stargate SG1, BoJack Horseman, Vikings
    *5 games: Don't really play games any more; Devil May Cry, Super Mario Galaxy, Fallout, Sonic, Spiro
    *A dream/goal of mine: converse in Japanese
    *Two truths and a lie: (1) English is not my native language, (2) I go to work on my bicycle, (3) I am left-handed.

    • Moderator

      I'll guess number 1 as well!

    • CodeSoldier

      Number 1 is the lie. You're a proper Englishman, top hat and all.

      • Cheesemangeur

        Maybe I do have a top hat, but I am no Englishman. Number 2 was the lie ;)

        • CodeSoldier

          My apologies, I am a fool who put Englishman by mistake, I do realise that Edinburgh is in Scotland, you're a proper Scotsman. :p

  • Konijn

    Loc: The Meadows

    Int: Crime, Crime Fiction, Criminology, Sociology, Law

    Goal: Recognition for my exploits.

    2t/1l: (1) I am Dutch, (2) I am learning two languages, (3) I've lived in three countries.

    • Moderator

      Tough, but I'm gonna guess number 2 is the lie.

      Can you recommend some crime fiction novels that I could check out to get into the genre?