Text Post: Have a Seat at the Lounge posted by Moderator
  • Kysol

    Even though I've been to Japan 3 times now, I am not fluent in Japanese. I wish that I was. Truth be told that I have a survivalist level of the language and culture. I could live there without much issue, but I would feel very uncomfortable as I wouldn't fit in as well as I would want always feeling like I was a burden due to my lack of language skills. Can read to an extent, speak on the other hand is limited.

    (2) is a Lie (as much as I wish it was true, and maybe someday it will).

    Leaving (3) as True.

    It's not what you think. I've worked for two adult companies who created some of the biggest sites in the late 90's early 2000's before the free video phase too hold. My job wasn't to approve content (like most people joke), I was more at a technical level with the site programming and general upkeep of servers as well as the referral systems for webmasters sending traffic to our sites. For the record, we came down on them hard if we found that they had used exploits, or really dodgy code to "trick" users, or malware'd users computers (I had a webmaster do this to me at one point.. they we're with us for long after that). You'd be surprised to know that most of the stereotypes and ideas of what happens in the industry are so far from the truth that it makes what we actually do sound boring.