Text Post: Have a Seat at the Lounge posted by Moderator
  • CodeSoldier (edited 8 years ago)

    location: Kingston (Canada)
    interests: computer programming, filmography, science fiction, astronomy
    5 music artists: Seth Sentry, Eminem, Daft Punk, Dan Bull, Frank Sinatra
    5 films: The Matrix, Forrest Gump, Star Wars (IV-V-VI), Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy., Saving Private Ryan
    5 shows: Mad Men, The Sopranos, Firefly, Breaking Bad, Chuck
    5 games: SW:KOTOR, Mount and Blade, Splinter Cell, Age of Empires, Cannon Fodder
    a dream/goal of mine: Move to/work in the U.K.
    two truths and a lie: (1)I speak conversational French, (2)I've played the trumpet for 4 years (but I still suck), (3) I've never left North America

    • jackthetripper

      Not Kingston Jamaica mon?

    • Cheesemangeur

      Where exactly would you want to go in the UK?

      Number 3 is the lie?

      • CodeSoldier

        Not entirely sure, I am more of a big-city person, having grown up in the country, so maybe London? But the countryside over there sure sounds beautiful. Number 3 is true, I've only been to the U.S. and Canada.

    • Moderator

      Number 3 is the lie! Or number 2 for being very specific.

      • CodeSoldier

        Number 3 is true, and unfortunately number 2 is also true. I don't speak a lick of French, having dropped it the first year I could in high school!