• leweb

    The Catholic Church has a history of condemning things as "sin" and then flip-flopping when it's convenient for them, including evolution and the fact that Earth revolves around the Sun. You would think that an eternal, omniscient and timeless God would give them more consistent advice.

    • sugartoad

      The only thing "consistent" about religion is the lack of proof of a god.

      • RoamingGnome

        "No proof of God? It's in the bible."- My pastor when I was a kid.

        I have yet to have a question about religion answered satisfactorily. I'm just not wired to accept things on faith. If there is a god, it made me that way, so that's on it, not me.

        • leweb

          Come on, that's a great answer! The book that God wrote says that God exists and wrote the book. If there was no God, how could there be a book written by him? Clearly the book is all the proof you need!

          And my favorite argument: it's a divine mystery. You're a mere mortal and cannot use logic to understand God's divine intelligence. He's beyond logic.

          • Gozzin

            Mystery or not,i really do not care what the pope,or any other religious person has to say about anything.