• 3rdWheel

    Imagine a life so empty that you feel pressured to boycott an entire service because that one person you don’t like is on there.

    How are they on Twitter? Don’t they know the Obamas are on that too?

    • NotWearingPants

      There was something similar not too long ago with Amy Schumer. I'm betting the same people making noise now were the same ones making noise then. Much like the celebrities who all promised to leave the country if Trump won.

      He did, they didn't.

      It's all attention whoring and virtue signalling on social media.

      • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)

        It's knuckleheads that had only to hear the Obamas'd advocated them before they turned against eating fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated and properly inflating your cars' tires. Scorn signaling has its excesses as well, it would seem.