8 years ago
Facebook is going to use Snopes and other fact-checkers to combat and bury 'fake news'
Facebook is going to start fact-checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in its News Feed, the company said Thursday. The decision comes after Facebook received heated criticism for its role in spreading a deluge of political misinformation during the US presidential election, like one story that falsely said the Pope had endorsed Donald Trump.
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I'd be happy if they'd honor my request to hide posts from sources I tell them to. Their "Hide all posts from 'x'" link doesn't do diddly squat.
I guess they think their echo chamber isn't loud enough. People are going to flag anything they disagree with or hurts their feelings.
" Poynter’s International Fact Checking Network" openly funded by Soros,
will gladly tell you what you need to know.