• turtledaze

    I agree. I'm all for hunting...I get it's fun or whatever but at least eat the meat, don't let its death go to waste. Don't just do it for sport. And does anyone else think it's extremely disgusting to travel to a whole other continent to kill its wildlife. I think it shows how entitled this guy feels.

    • staxofmax

      I have no problem with hunting. I myself don't hunt and I don't like the idea of it personally, but I'm aware that it's just my personal preference. If it's for meat or to feel a part of nature or even for legal sport to curb overpopulation I don't have a problem with it. What this guy did is something else. Paying $50 grand for what, a trophy? To feel like a big man? It certainly wasn't for meat. Spending the money to fly to another continent to bait and kill a predator doesn't sound natural. And given that they're a threatened species overpopulation certainly isn't an issue. This guy seems like a real piece of shit.

      • turtledaze

        I completely agree. I really do hope there's some kind of serious repercussions for this guy...he needs to stop killing animals for no good reason. However, I'm sure with the way the justice system works he'll be hunting pandas next month :(