xXwraithXx's feed
3 years agoHow-to xXwraithXx
How I wrote this 1000 word blog post, using speech-to-text on my smartphone, and in under an hour.
And it was easier and more fulfilling than I thought it would be!
4 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
13 Things I Learned About Writing 10 Articles a Week for the Last 3 Years
Tough love for writers, followed by enormous growth
4 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
Tweeting is Writing, Too
To use Twitter effectively, think more about your audience than yourself
4 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
The Magic Is In The Editing
7 tips to clean up your dirty first draft before you publish
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
6 Ways Content Writers Can Still Make Money During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Working remotely, you’re in the perfect position to succeed
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
How to Find Better Featured Images on Unsplash
A guide to interesting keywords, unique search terms, and hidden image search features you should know about
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
Mary Dash’s Writing Tips
Plain language makes it easier for the public to read, understand, and use government communications.
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
How to Tell a Great Story
Storytelling is everywhere. Whether you write a book, record a podcast, make a presentation, or create a Medium post, the ability to tell a story, and to grab a person’s attention is critical. Yet, so many people don’t know how to write and tell a story in an engaging manner.
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
The Working Solution to the ‘Starving Artist’ Problem
You don’t have to change your art to make money.
5 years agoHow-to xXwraithXx
The 5-Year Rule: How to Create the Future You Want
A proven process for building your dream life.
5 years agoComment xXwraithXx
Completey cancelled now I just read
Posted in: NCAA tournament will be played without fans
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
From Broke Blogger to Wealthy Writer: 5-Steps to Pivot
How to work less and make more money writing
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
Write First, Edit Later — Changed the Way I Write Forever
And a little bit about my writing process
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
The Template That’ll Allow You to Publish an Article a Day
Use this simple 5-part structure to publish more often
5 years agoHow-to xXwraithXx
How to Grow Your Twitter Following
7 unconventional ways to make an impact on the bird app
5 years agoAchievement xXwraithXx
Midnight Express
Published 150/150 expression snaps! Congratulations xXwraithXx on this achievement!
+31680 XP -
5 years agoExpression xXwraithXx
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Blogging
There are so many “experts” out there claiming they are making several thousands of dollars each month from their writing and their Blog. Their Blog has become a successful online business and these people have built up a successful personal brand. It all looks to have happened overnight too. They make it look so easy and effortless. Don’t believe all the hype.
5 years agoHow-to xXwraithXx
How To Write Extraordinary Blog Articles
Simple mental models to help you write your next blog post with ease.