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9 years agoLevel Up worthlessgalaxy
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9 years ago
I disagree about the priced out of the job. There are limits that will cause people to be priced out of jobs but $15 an hour isn't it. What minimum wage is intended to do is to protect the people that don't have the power to negotiate. Yes there are negative consequences for raising the min wage but I think there are consequences that are far worse for leaving it where it is or lowering it. Such as the fact that many min wadge jobs are subsidized by the government in the form of social welfare such as food stamps. This is a major problem for me. I believe that their should be a social safety net, but I also believe that it shouldn't be needed by people working 40hrs a week minimum wage. If you think that that should be required for them to live, then we must part ways at this point for we will never agree. Because while there are negative consequences for raising it, I think the current state of affairs is worse.
show morePosted in: Dunkin' CEO: $15 min wage is 'outrageous'
9 years agoComment worthlessgalaxy
What is interesting to me is that there are craft brewers who only sell in very limited ranges but they are in the top 25. It really says how much sales go to the big 3 brewers and to the import market.
9 years agoAnalysis worthlessgalaxy
Brewers Association Lists Top 50 Breweries of 2014 - Brewers Association
The Brewers Association lists the top 50 craft and overall top 50 breweries by volume of 2014.
9 years ago
True, I was implying that the reason they limited it was because they didn't have the hardware to support the total number of end users but that's because I was being generous to the developers. In reality you are most likely correct.
9 years ago
I disagree with the idea that people get paid what they are worth. I think they get paid what the company can get away with paying them. In some cases the employees are in enough demand that the company is forced to pay them more. But there are other cases where employees are forced to take less than what they are worth because of their situation (debt, out of job for a while, only job in area where spouse has a job, ect.). Companies do take advantage of this to increase profits for the CEOs and stock holders.
Look, if a higher minimum wage were purely a good thing, why shouldn't it be set at $1000/h? That would be super good for everyone, right? .. Except that anyone can sense that there's something wrong with that suggestion. Instead, maybe it could be something more "resonable" like.. $30/h?
This is creating a false analogy and is commonly used as a straw man. Yes their is an upper limit on what can be used as a minimum wage and yes that is driven by complex interactions. However, stating that by allowing employers to pay less than minimum wage allows more people to join the workforce isn't always true either. Many people in minimum wage jobs are forced to work more than one. So while doubling it will remove some of those jobs it will also mean that more people will be working at the higher wage and might be able to leave their second job. Also once you factor in there are others that will just have an increase in income that they can now spend at those companies. Causing an increase in profits helping cover the additional cost due to the pay increase.
show morePosted in: Dunkin' CEO: $15 min wage is 'outrageous'
9 years ago
There is also a problem of more people getting college degrees than ever before. I have seen engineers flipping burgers for a year or two while they looked for a job in the 2008-12 recession. We need an over arching change in how we view productivity and compensation. We have one of the larger income inequalities for a developed country and it is growing. Free college isn't enough, it turns college into high school ie everyone goes so to stand out you need to get a masters or PhD.
Posted in: Dunkin' CEO: $15 min wage is 'outrageous'
9 years ago
Yeah, but I would expect that they have the hardware to increase the field size. It's a simple as changing the field definition ex. varchar(25) instead of varchar(12). For password length limit is it possible that they are using tokenization? I am assuming not, and that it is simply plan text, or they check length first then hash.
9 years ago
I was just about to post this exact same thing. I even have some that prevented me from having a longer user name, I think I was limited to something like 12 characters. I don't understand these limitations, I don't know what system they are using that require it or if they just have a bad system design.
9 years agoHow-to worthlessgalaxy
DIYeast: Capturing Yeast
Capturing Yeast Do you want to capture your very own wild yeast culture or strain? With the right tools, and these Three Easy Methods, you can capture yeast right in your own backyard. Before proce...
9 years agoAchievement worthlessgalaxy
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations worthlessgalaxy on this achievement!
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9 years agoAnalysis worthlessgalaxy
Why Rating Wine Is Bad Science
[ Editor's note: this article is not an easy one to follow, because the topic is not an easy one to get your head around; intrepid readers will want to stick with it, though, because I think the co...
9 years agoAnalysis worthlessgalaxy
Aquaoir, Ocean Aging of Wine
Learn about Aquaoir - the process of aging wine under water. A site my Mira Winery.
9 years agoAchievement worthlessgalaxy
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations worthlessgalaxy on this achievement!
+2180 XP -
9 years agoComment worthlessgalaxy
Awesome resource.
9 years ago
I guess what I was trying to state, was fully knowing the mechanism isn't required for starting human trials. Knowing potential side effects, dosage, and treatment timelines are required. We often come out with drugs that we don't exactly know why/how they work, but we know they do and have a decent understanding of the risks. I watched many possible treatments die at this stage of research. Funding gets pulled, the researcher simply doesn't want to take it to the next stage, or many other reasons that is never gets moved towards phase 1 trials. Universities and the NIH have set up methods to try and combat this and help things move forward, but I doubt that the particular research on focusing in on the mechanism for treatment will really advance any of the key questions for moving to phase 1 (dosage, safety, and treatment plan). In my experience the basic biology research is critical for understanding what is going on but is not targeted to really move treatments forward.
show more -
9 years agoComment worthlessgalaxy
This is just like what happens with the commissaries in prison. The fees to add money just wipes out any money that people can put in. We really need to reform our prisons. My view is if we a society decide we need to take away their freedom, we need to pay for it, not the families or the prisoners. I think that making the government pay to put them away will really cause us to look at what crimes we are really willing to punish with long prison sentences. We would also need to eliminate the kickbacks from companies that provide services, so the government is really looking to make the best choice via cost and benefits.
9 years ago
Yeah, I responded that I would have expected some of that to have been done in this section of research, just not published in this article.
9 years ago
True, but the animal studies should have shed some light into that. They used two different animal models and one cell line? They might not have done any extensive dosing tests, or looked for adverse effects in the animal models. I would assume that they would have done a least some of that since the student would be following the animals status. It depends on how long they think it will take to develop a model. I would expect this would be 3-6 years research in my experience to build a decent model of what is going on. That also assumes that they maintain a sufficient funding level which is never a known factor.
9 years agoComment worthlessgalaxy
I am not sure why this couldn't go to phase 1 trials right now? I know they don't know why it works but we don't know why a lot of drugs work. Phase 1 would just be on health individuals to determine what dosage is safe.
9 years agoComment worthlessgalaxy
Yeah that seems like a reasonable response to missing a stop. I hope he gets a good punishment for it.
9 years ago
Thanks for the link. It was a fun read.
9 years ago
The problem is the business is owned by the government. So really it is owned by the government and they are stuck with the bills. I am shocked that they kept finding such incompetent people. Seems like the current one might get the job done.
9 years ago
Its worth the read, but those colors make it tough.
9 years agoLevel Up worthlessgalaxy
Level 8
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