9 years ago
Belgian woman, 24, granted euthanasia death over depression
A 24-year-old Belgian woman who suffers from depression and has had a "death wish" since childhood has been granted the right to die — even though she's not terminally ill. Doctors gave the young woman, identified only as Laura, the go-ahead to be euthanized by lethal injection after she spent her life battling suicidal thoughts, she told Belgian newspaper De Morgen. "Life, that's not for me," she said. "Death feels to me not as a choice.
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This is so sad.
What's really sad is that modern medicine hasn't made much progress in treating depression, due to a combination of stigma/prejudice, insurance companies lobbying strongly for a long time to make depression seem as a weakness of character rather than an actual illness, and the "war on drugs"+pharma patent trolling preventing novel depression treatments from being properly investigated. People are constantly dying horrible deaths just because politicians have the moral integrity of a potato.