weabot's feed

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    He'll just make sure they develop the west while completely disregarding the east.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    I don't get that. The iPhone's supposed to be a smaller thing you can carry around easily. If I wanted a big screen, I'd get a tablet.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Come to Canada, Burger King did it!

  • 10 years ago
    Level Up weabot

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  • 10 years ago
    Achievement weabot

    Hat Trick

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    +535 XP
  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    I love how Bill Gates spends his money on charity, I really hope more rich people who have money to spare take example of this, no matter how rich.

    I just don't understand why someone would need 5 luxury cars while he could feed a few families for months with the money he spent on his least favourite one.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    They just have to ruin everything we love...

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Yeah I'm really curious how it'll turn out.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    There are proofs that 2 admins were shadowbanning them. There are these images that show the person asking for a justification, then the admin just tells them 4chan raid. Then the person said but I don't even go on 4chan and the admin just responds vote manipulation. And they deleted entire threads too and even banned people for upvoting these threads. Even a mod on /r/games got demoted because of it.

    It's really weird, they just censored the whole thing, and there are solid proofs. I'll post the imgur album if I find it.

    Here: https://imgur.com/a/f4WDf

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    From the description and the video I'm guessing they're just a really toxic couple who hate each other. The woman's angry at the guy, she's going somewhere, probably to do something crazy (I read she was drunk and he wanted to stop her, not sure if that's true, it's probable), so he stands behind the vehicle and tries to keep her there and calm her down even if he's doing it the wrong way.

    I really don't know how people can find themselves so low. I don't think I could live that way.

    Posted in: Neighbors from hell

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Directly hurt, that doesn't mean offended. But I see your point and I agree that these kinds of situations must be a pain for admins. But as I said, these are what people cry out about but they're not the worst they've done, the Zoe Quinn scandal and its censorship of even peaceful conversations about the subject is what made me angry at them and why I stopped using it.

    And that's the only I'm aware of, who knows if it's the only subject they've censored.

  • 10 years ago
    Achievement weabot

    Rock Star

    Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations weabot on this achievement!

    +525 XP
  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    But it's a bit sad at the same time.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Wow.. Isn't that a bit much?

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    It really depends on the content and the purpose of it. In my opinion, there is nothing lost in allowing that content if some people want it enough to build a community around it. What's fun about reddit is how the ease of making a subreddit opens door for any community to settle in their own little part of the internet, and as long as they don't hurt anyone, I think they should be able to stay. But I'm not talking about something specific like this, if they make a community whose sole purpose is to violate the privacy of someone (like "the fappening" did), it's a bit more complicated than that.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    This isn't true, there are a bunch of rock fans and rock bands out there. Indie rock is getting more and more popular, there are still a bunch of metal fans, there are still a lot of people who enjoy rock and roll and I know a lot of people who are starting bands just for fun. He's just sad because he's not relevant anymore.

    The only thing that's bad has always been. It's the pop industry. It just got bigger, but that doesn't make other genres smaller.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    The terms of use are short and clear, so you could try reading through them quickly. It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it, except there are two lines that would give Snapzu the right to delete them.

    By using Snapzu, you agree not to make available content that is threatening, harmful, unlawful, abusive, harassing, or libelous. (That shouldn't be a problem)

    Snapzu does not take any responsibilities for any content posted from subscribers, and reserves the rights to remove any content at any time, or suspend any services at any time without prior notice. So this says if an admin doesn't agree with that, he can delete it. I could see that happen (and wouldn't mind) with picofdeadkids because I wouldn't want that on my website, but that depends on the purpose.

    Otherwise they make it clear that you're responsible for both the content you share and view, and it's fine as long as it's not illegal or harassing to another user.

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  • 10 years ago
    Achievement weabot

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations weabot on this achievement!

    +525 XP
  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    I think everything that directly hurts someone is out of the question. Your freedom ends where the other person's begins, but everyone's equal. So these celebrities don't have the right to have their photos taken down any more than anyone else who had their photos stolen and posted on the internet, and the opposite counts too. If they do have those rights, why don't the subreddits containing stolen photos get deleted? But what's bad isn't that they've taken the subreddit down, it's that they've taken it down supposedly for moral reasons while a bunch of other women are victims of it and nobody cares.

    But I don't get what the fuss is about with these leaks, maybe just a bunch of horny nerds pissed that the photos are a bit harder to find (even though they're all over porn sites). The best example of free speech violated by Reddit's admins is the Zoe Quinn scandal where the mods just mass banned every conversation on it and refused to spread the information. Including these informations are proof of how corrupt the gaming journalism industry is, and how indie gaming developers can easily cheat their way into the industry. It's funny to me how the bans and the censorship were in favour of Zoe, following the role of victim she tries to have to public eyes, blaming everything on 4chan or something to hide the truth.

    I'm just rambling. In conclusion, free speech doesn't exist on reddit for moral reasons but for image reasons. They don't care about morals, they just care about Reddit's image, but I personally think everyone, no matter how fucked up they are, should be able to have their own community on a website as long as they don't hurt other people directly, and we have to understand that once something is on the internet, it won't get out, so there's no use in censoring it, as long as they're wanted they'll be shared, you just have to accept it. In my opinion, what we should do is not worry about sharing the pics, it's about punishing the hacker, who's the real ...

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    The thing is they try to photoshop the same woman into a near perfect woman according to popular view of the country, which could change for a number of reasons, and I guess Montenegro's is just not at all like the original woman, but the resemblance isn't the point of it, it's the difference, and that's what makes it interesting. I still think Algeria's is weird. Looks like an OS X wallpaper, but I guess the Algerian artist's perception of a perfect woman would be a goddess.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Remember when Putin was actually a good guy rebuilding Russia's economy? Now he's doing just like Napoleon except without a good reason and denying it.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    Reddit got popular enough to get out of control and then it'll go down just like Digg did. I've stopped using it because of the Zoe Quinn mass ban a few weeks ago and I only go back for 2 or 3 smaller subreddits with unique content.

    Anyway its quality is going down really quickly, it's part of the reason why people are leaving now, it happens to every website that gets too popular. If it's not enforced hard enough people don't know what they're doing but they try to become part of the community anyway without learning it so they just start posting stuff that's really bad and they overuse the site's memes just like Facebook does with rage faces. This ruins every joke created on the website and it just doesn't have a personality anymore.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    That's the point.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    This is really interesting!

  • 10 years ago
    Comment weabot

    What was wrong with their eyes? Can we fix the optical nerve yet?

    Because that'd be amazing.