• leweb

    Ok, so, there's a crisis because kids are saying that they need evidence for the bullshit they're being told to believe. Sometimes, at least briefly, I have a glimpse of hope for humankind.

    10 yrs old is about the time that Catholic kids are told that they need to start eating Zombie Jesus Flesh Bread to avoid being barbecued forever in hell, and I'm gonna stop here before I start coming up with hypotheses about priests and kids confessing their sins to them. There's already enough out there in the news.

    • NinjaKlaus

      A study was done on the belief that priests were all predators and it was found that they have the same percentage as the rest of the population. Just because you don't believe what they do doesn't mean they're all monsters.

      About 4 percent of priests committed an act of sexual abuse on a minor between 1950 and 2002, according to a study being conducted by John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. That is roughly consistent with data on many similar professions.

      An extensive 2007 investigation by the Associated Press showed that sexual abuse of children in U.S. schools was "widespread," and most of it was never reported or punished. And in Portland, Ore., a jury reached a $1.4 million verdict against the Boy Scouts of America in a trial that showed that since the 1920s, Scouts officials kept "perversion files" on suspected abusers but kept them secret.

      "We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else," Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, told Newsweek. "I can tell you without hesitation that we have seen cases in many religious settings, from traveling evangelists to mainstream ministers to rabbis and others."

      Part of the issue is that the Catholic Church is so tightly organized and keeps such meticulous records -- many of which have come to light voluntarily or through court orders -- that it can yield a fairly reliable portrait of its personnel and abuse over the decades. Other institutions, and most other religions, are more decentralized and harder to analyze or prosecute.

      As for "zombie Jesus flesh" it's funny that Catholics are one of the two that hold this to be true, Lutherans and Anglicans hold that Jesus is present in and around the Eucharist, but the BIBLE IS THE TRUTH AND THE WAY people, Baptists I'm looking at you, scream The bible is the truth and everything it says shall be done... oh that whole section about this is my body eat it and this is my blood drink it... that's symbolism ya'll.

      • Gozzin

        It's cannibalism too...Gross. My kin,who are church of christ also believe everything the bible says is true. They have some pretty strange ideas as well.