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Published 8 years ago by timex with 4 Comments

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  • PushPull (edited 8 years ago)

    In general, one would be forced to admit that getting a ticket for this was over the top, and headlines like these really make it seem that way. But what I believe that a lot of people don't consider is that there is only one side. There isn't enough information in the article to say that the ticketee didn't deserve it. Maybe he almost hit a bus full of nuns heading for the convent or possibly ran over a herd of fluffy puppies. Yes, I know he had visibility, but that doesn't mean that he didn't have problems with it. What about a person stepping off the sidewalk to cross the street from right to left? And for all we know he could have been a complete douche-canoe to the cop and got the ticket when the cop was going to drop it. I'm not sure about you guys, but every piece of glass I've ever replaced on a car has always been done by a mobile unit.

    I know it sounds like I'm defending the cop, but I assure you that if the guy was truly & fully 'innocent', then I would be on his side 100%. But we just don't know.

    Yes, there are cops who would pull this kind of stuff. But also yes, there are people who would blame the cop when their own shitty attitude got them into hot water in the first place.

    TL;DR: too many possibilities, not enough information.

    • idlethreat

      Technically, the guy is indeed innocent until convicted ;)

      I think all he'll need to do is show up with relevant documentation and show the judge what his intent was. If the judge has an ounce of sympathy, dude will get off without a fuss.

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