• darvinhg

    The US population needs to grow some balls like these people.

    • Bender394

      It is certainly an interesting idea to think about. Here in the US, we can be unknowingly spied upon and persecuted and yet nobody seems to care. When a government abuses power to the degree that our government has, the citizens take a stand for their beliefs and fight to make the country a better place to live in, even if that means they lose their jobs, freedoms, or lives. The majority of Americans are too content with their satisfactory lives to take action against injustice. And so the American government will continue removing our rights while we sit around. It's really quite sad.

      • drunkenninja

        Guarantee Americans a place to live, TV to watch & food to eat and you have people be perfectly content. Remove any of those and you got a guaranteed revolution.

    • Nelson

      The difference is that it's still fairly comfortable in the US. In the Ukraine it's not as great.