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Published 8 years ago by takai with 4 Comments

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  • spaceghoti

    It's a good intellectual exercise, but as a practical matter it's almost impossible. Until Mars residents develop the ability to mine or manufacture their own goods up to and including oxygen to breathe they will necessarily be dependent on and therefore subject to any organization that controls their supply chain. That dependence will always put them at the mercy of outside interests and therefore vulnerable to manipulation.

    • Gozzin

      I agree..And at the end of the day,I really do not think humans will ever be able to live on Mars. I feel the environment is just too hostile for us to survive as a species.

      • spaceghoti

        I think we'll figure it out, probably through some combination of technological and biological engineering. We can't do it right now but who knows what we'll figure out once the necessity is upon us?

  • NinjaKlaus

    I have to believe though at some point the people that actually start living on Mars and colonizing it and have the supplies to live or at least thrive a bit on their own are going to revolt. I imagine something along the lines of the United States, where they revolted against England but France was there to help out. That's also how it goes down a lot in SciFi books, they get there and after a while realize we've been here longer than we were ever on Earth, or we were all born here, why are we listening to those guys...

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