  • TehGreenMC

    It was a warm summer day in the middle of exams... you know, too warm to actually study. I remembered my dreams from that night (I'm a lucid dreamer, btw) and as I had been staring at the wall for the past 10 minutes anyway I started to draw a map of what I imagined the world to look like. It was actually quite different from what it is now (biggest difference being that the planet used to be tidally locked) and I've been changing and adding things ever since. I only started seriously worldbuilding about 7-8 months ago when I dicovered /r/worldbuilding and realized I was not actually alone in my weird way of passing time!

    About a couple of months ago I was writing some lore and I realized what I was writing was actually a rather interesting plot to what could someday become a book/game. I started characterbuilding then and I like to think I've got quite a decent plot by now. I still haven't decided on whether I want to make a book or a game out of it but for the first I'd have to learn to write and since I'm going to study game design next year the latter option is probably more realistic.

    I'd say my biggest influence is the ASOIAF series... they are really some of my favorite books and I love GRRM's writing style. I liked the political focus in the plot so my story is also filled with murder, coups, kings and emperors... and a lot of war.

    • RoMS

      What are you biggest IRL influences for your states and kingdom?

      • TehGreenMC

        I like to think I'm quite original if it comes to my nations :D Of course there's some elements of certain IRL cultures in my world. The language of Thalas for instance, is based on Ancient Greek. I also took the whole "city state system that the Greeks had going and gave it a bit of an overhaul for how the Empire of Thalas works. The language and some cultural aspects of Naviton and the Esya are from the Inca with some Maya/Aztec elements in there. Other than that I can't think of something else really, other than Atura being the "Europe" of my setting (they have more advanced weaponry: steel when the rest still uses iron or even bronze).

        I have quite a bit more nations but I'm quite proud that I can't immediately think of some obvious real world inspirations for them! :)