  • TehGreenMC

    I like to think I'm quite original if it comes to my nations :D Of course there's some elements of certain IRL cultures in my world. The language of Thalas for instance, is based on Ancient Greek. I also took the whole "city state system that the Greeks had going and gave it a bit of an overhaul for how the Empire of Thalas works. The language and some cultural aspects of Naviton and the Esya are from the Inca with some Maya/Aztec elements in there. Other than that I can't think of something else really, other than Atura being the "Europe" of my setting (they have more advanced weaponry: steel when the rest still uses iron or even bronze).

    I have quite a bit more nations but I'm quite proud that I can't immediately think of some obvious real world inspirations for them! :)