  • QuinnTheEskimo

    Hey there! My name is Quinn and I'm a teenager living in Texas that has always loved the idea of worldbuilding since I first watched Lord of the Rings when I was around seven. I've always done a lot of it in my mind, but I never put it down on paper which causes me to lose ideas I have in the middle of the night or when I'm with friends. So I decided recently (today) that I was going to start keeping track of all my ideas. I made myself a map, well I made two but I can't decide which I should use. I'm slowly building the cultures and civilizations that may take place in my world, and I'm already having a blast!

    Happy to be in the tribe! :) (tribe sounds so much better than sub)

    • Snowybird77

      Tribe is so badass XD Nice to hear you getting into the hobby. Welcome :)