+50 +1
The workers have spoken: They're staying home.
And companies can't make them come into the office. Really.
+39 +1
The end of non-compete agreements is a tech job earthquake
The FTC ruled this week that companies can no longer use non-compete agreements to stop workers from moving from one job to another — and businesses are having fits.
+35 +1
Return-to-office initiatives or stealth layoffs? Why not both?
Dell has recently been accused of forcing people to quit by requiring them to return to the office unnecessarily. It’s far from the only company to use this tactic.
+17 +1
Why return-to-office mandates fail
The question over whether to allow employees to work from home has been settled. Here’s the new normal.
+56 +1
Why do companies do holiday layoffs?
For employees laid off when companies downsize in November and December, it’s not the most wonderful time of the year. Enough already!
+52 +1
Want a handsomely paid job in tech? Here's what you do
At KubeCon, the need to bridge the skills gap was clearer than ever
+50 +1
Will AI hurt or help workers? It's complicated
Scared of losing your job to AI? Take a deep breath: Most employers and business leaders see AI augmenting human workers far more than replacing them. Of course, accommodations are needed.
+48 +1
A Ghostwriter’s Guide for Invisible Women
Do you feel overlooked or overtalked at the office? Don’t get mad, get tactical. Here’s how.
+36 +1
The working-from-home debate gets old
If your people are happy and productive doing their job from home, let them!
+19 +1
Study finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks
A new MIT study highlights the potential of generative AI for certain types of writing assignments in the workplace.
+17 +1
The hottest new perk in tech is freedom
How small tech companies are using remote work to compete with the big guys.
+40 +1
Open source and Linux skills are still in demand in a dark economy
Despite the doom-and-gloom headlines about tech jobs, the Linux Foundation's latest survey says companies are still hiring savvy Linux and open source staffers.
+29 +1
Some Apple staff are sounding off about Tim Cook's back-to-office drive and say it's 'silly, and very un-Apple'
Some Apple staff are not happy about CEO Tim Cook's back-to-the-office drive, which he's previously said was essential for the company. The iPhone maker emailed employees in March threatening to take action against those not going in at least three days a week.
+16 +1
A Large Four-Day Workweek Trial Has Been Declared A Huge Success
You’ve probably heard about school districts that are moving to four-day school weeks, but did you realize there are studies out there trying to see whether or not the model might be beneficial for companies and workers, too?
+26 +1
Rupa Subramanya: Work-from-home is the new normal in Canada. Just accept it
Be careful what you wish for: you might actually get it. In the spring of 2020, in the early days of the pandemic, governments around the world, including Canada, pushed harsh measures that have rarely been used in peacetime, including lockdowns and the closing of offices and businesses, except the most essential services.
+23 +1
Generative AI isn't the answer to all your business needs
ChatGPT and the like represent intriguing technology but are far from perfect. And they're definitely not going to solve your business woes.
+4 +1
Working a four-day week boosts employee wellbeing while preserving productivity
Some 71% of employees self-reported lower levels of “burnout”, and 39% said they were less stressed, compared to the start of the trial. Researchers found a 65% reduction in sick days, and a 57% fall in the number of staff leaving participating companies, compared to the same period the previous year.
+13 +1
Death Of a Programmer. Life Of a Farmer
Finding and figuring out which is which is not the easiest thing to do, and many people spend all of their days being content with not knowing the difference. For me, it took a lot of death to find what keeps me alive.
+15 +1
Here are the latest tech layoffs as the industry shudders
The high-flying tech industry is facing a reckoning as the economy slows and customers pull back on spending. In the past month alone, tech companies have cut nearly 60,000 jobs, reversing a hiring spree that surged during the pandemic as millions of Americans moved their lives online. IBM was one of the latest to slash its headcount, announcing 3,900 layoffs in January, or less than 2% of its global workforce.
+13 +1
The Verge’s favorite desktop accessories
No desk should be lonely — here are some of the devices that crowd our workspaces.
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