  • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

    May I post here? There's nothing in the tribe rules stating I shouldn't, as a guy, so I'll have a go at it.

    There are several female veterans at Snapzu from what I have seen. What I have to say is that they are absolutely wonderful to have around and I am really grateful for the type of posts that they make, it makes me respect them a lot. Not because they're women, but instead, because they are bringing the quality to the site through their actions.

    I believe it's only important that you should be a great person and make a good impression. If somebody doesn't specifically mention that they are a woman, I'm on the opinion that most people, much like myself, won't even bother checking.

    • BlueOracle

      Everyone is welcome on /t/women, it's just dedicated to women's issues. :)

      • bogdan

        You are too kind *bows*