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Take a Deep Breath if You Want to Try Competitive Vaping
Competitors are turning electronic cigarettes into sporting devices, challenging each other to see who can blow the biggest vapor cloud. The emerging sport has all the hallmarks of professional competition with sponsors, teams, fans and cash prizes.
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VAPE is named Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2014
Today Oxford Dictionaries announces vape as its international Word of the Year 2014. The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year is a word or expression that has attracted a great deal of interest during the year to date. Language research conducted by Oxford Dictionaries editors reveals that use of the word vape in 2014 has more than doubled compared to 2013.
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Smoking vs Vaping
Is vaping actually better for your health?
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Vaping Is 95% Healthier and 40% Cheaper Than Smoking
The pack-a-day smoker can save around $1,200 per year by vaping.
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E-Cigs Are Going Tobacco-Free With Synthetic Nicotine
It's hard to imagine, these days, selling a product by calling it synthetic. “A lot of people kind of give you the weird eye,” says Edward Uy, vice president at SQN, the first vaping company to debut liquids with lab-made synthetic nicotine. Every other tobacco product in human history, including virtually every other vaping liquid, makes use of natural nicotine from tobacco plants. But tobacco also happens to be, if anything, the prime example that natural is not necessarily better.
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Vaping: e-cigarettes safer than smoking, says Public Health England
Government body says vaping can make ‘significant contribution to endgame of tobacco’ and raises concerns about length of licensing process
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