
PSA: Your wireless isn't broken. Earth has been bombarded with CMEs this week.

In addition to IT & space weather, I'm active in the RC community (flying remote controlled helicopters, "drones" etc.) Most of our controls operate on 2Ghz spectrum and we check this stuff because it interferes so much with flying that it's not worth risking a crash. After receiving dozens of calls, I sent out a little blast email to try and cut down on new tickets. Here's what it said:

Have you been having Wifi problems this week? Earth is getting hit hard with CMEs. Some of the strongest and most consistent that I've seen since I started monitoring Space Weather events. I have had more calls about WiFi outages this week than I have in the last 10 years.

What are CMEs? CME stands for Coronal Mass Ejection, which is gas inside a magnetic field from the sun that's ejected into space. When a CME hits Earth, it creates the beautiful Northern Lights. But it also has wonky effects on all of our electronics, especially devices that use the 2GHz spectrum.

Fortunately, the solution is simple. Just power cycle your devices if you're having problems. Of course you can always give me a call as well!


9 years ago by gtwy with 11 comments

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  • caelreth

    Yep, have definitely had to power cycle some wireless devices this week.

    • kigurame

      That's funny really I've had the same thing never would have thought of CME's

      • caelreth

        That was basically my first thought. I guess I need to start paying attention to the astronomical weather channel.

        • kigurame (edited 9 years ago)

          The incoming one seems like it might cause some more S band interference. Handy Dandy Link

          • caelreth

            So, anyone still running 802.11b is in for a little fun.

  • Dernhelm

    This is excellent news and I am happy for all people in the USA.

    • kigurame

      Not just the US it pretty much affects all of us.

  • Crator

    I have only had trouble with wi-fi on my cell phone. Nothing else has been strange or gone down.

  • secretcity

    Definitely explains the wifi troubles this week! Now, I wonder if there's still a chance to catch sight of the aurora borealis as far south as I am...

  • drunkenninja

    I was definitely having some weird Wifi issues with my 2 routers, both of them have been acting up. Glad to know I'm not going crazy.

  • Moderator (edited 9 years ago)

    I've been having so much trouble getting online since yesterday. If this is the reason, I ain't even mad.

    Yeah Friday!