  • Wenjarich

    Well there's Pathfinder Card Adventure Game which is like, Card game/boardgame/rpg tabletop game all in one, so not sure where that would fit in hahaha.

    I played it once, fell in love with it, bought it and many of the expansions and now I have n one to play it with :(. Also unlike other rpg type games which have a small player base in some areas, you can't just find an online community to play it. Anyway, not sure why I ranted about that here haha, just suddenly popped into my mind. :P

    • SuaveJuggernaut

      Haha you wouldnt happen to live in the midwest? Ive always been interested in playing.

      • Wenjarich


        ok not really, I live in South Africa haha ;P Which is why I find it harder to find groups for such things. It's cool though, I will find someone eventually. The game is not going anywhere :D