
Diplomacy Game 1

Hey folks, I wanted to make a separate area for our Diplomacy game so it'd be easier to communicate with each other about the game. If for some reason, you don't believe you want to play right now. Please let us know so we can find a replacement.

I just went to random.org to generate starting countries for everyone (since GamesByEmail doesn't really have a randomizer). Right now this is who we have signed up for this game.

/u/cheesemangeur - Turkey

  • AustriaHungary

/u/caelreth - Italy

/u/splitfish - Russia

/u/ressmox - Germany

/u/bogdan - England

/u/tehdiplomat - France

Ok, /u/drunkenninja said he can't play right now. So we need a replacement. I'll see if someone from the original thread is interested.


I can start a game here, but I need everyone's emails to invite you to the game if people want to PM those to me? If not everyone is comfortable with that, we can do a game on PlayDiplomacy where it'd be an account creation, and then just someone sending an invite code to you. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling here...

9 years ago by tehdiplomat with 2 comments

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  • Splitfish

    Aww I get stuck with Putin! JK I have no idea what to expect but I'm in.

    • tehdiplomat

      Hah, it's actually set in 1901, so you get to be Nicholas II. (Also since Russia is so large, you get to start with 4 units)