  • Boop

    A community needs an identity.

    Like you said, communities without a focus or purpose will not grow or last. If a user comes to a tribe, looks through the posts, rules and description, and is still confused, it is clear that that tribe has not identified itself yet. If a community does not have a clear, distinct purpose, users will be reluctant to share content (as they are not sure if it is appropriate), and as a result, it will not be able to interact and grow.

    I think the second most important part is that both leaders and members of the community need to step out of their comfort zone and share content or engage in conversations. If a member sees potential and understands the purpose of the tribe, it is very important that they contribute to the community. Same with tribe leaders. Leaders need to set the tone of the community and promote positive discussion. Leaders should always do their best to make the members feel acknowledged, by up voting high-quality/constructive content/posts and engaging in discussion, just like the members.

    • drunkenninja

      Very well said. Without a clear sense of purpose it is difficult for users to identify with a community or the content within it.