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Micro Content: Captivating Your Audience in Seconds
Nowadays attention spans are shrinking, so capturing the attention of your audience has become increasingly challenging. This is where micro content marketing comes into play. It refers to small, bite-sized pieces of information that can be consumed quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore what micro content is and how it can captivate your audience in seconds.
+9 +1
Religion’s Smart-People Problem
Should you believe in a God? Not according to most academic philosophers. A comprehensive survey revealed that only about 14% of English-speaking professional philosophers are theists. As for what little religious belief remains among their colleagues, most professional philosophers regard it as a strange aberration among otherwise intelligent people. Among scientists the situation is much the same.
+21 +1
The 17 different ways your face conveys happiness
Human beings can configure their faces in thousands and thousands of ways to convey emotion, but only 35 expressions actually get the job done across cultures, a new study has found. And while our faces can convey a multitude of emotions—from anger to sadness to riotous joy—the number of ways our faces can convey different emotions varies. Disgust, for example, needs just one facial expression to get its point across throughout the world.
+19 +1
I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life
I feel like a ghost. I’m a 35-year-old woman, and I have nothing to show for it. My 20s and early 30s have been a twisting crisscross of moves all over the West Coast, a couple of brief stints abroad, multiple jobs in a mediocre role with no real upward track. I was also the poster child for serial monogamy. My most hopeful and longest lasting relationship (three and a half years, whoopee) ended two years ago. We moved to a new town (my fourth new city), created a home together, and then nose-dived into a traumatic breakup that launched me to my fifth and current city and who-knows-what-number job.
+14 +1
People can live with mental illness. I am living proof of this
Art allowed me to express myself in a way I had never done before. I’ve come so far since my desperate suicide attempt
+34 +1
When I Die, by Brooke Jarvis
Peter Rasmussen was always able to identify with his patients, particularly in their final moments. But he saw himself especially in a small, businesslike woman with leukemia who came to him in the spring of 2007, not long before he retired. Alice was in her late fifties and lived in a sparsely furnished farmhouse outside Salem, Oregon, where Rasmussen practiced medical oncology. Like him, she was stubborn and practical and independent.
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15+ Inspirational Bathroom Stall Messages To Make Your Day Less Crappy
Public toilets were famously popular in Roman Empire. Romans were also fond of graffiti. The fact that people scribble stuff on bathroom walls is thus a historical inevitability. Romans, Mayans, Vikings and Varangians all left their names or funny sayings wherever they went. Hagia Sophia still bears the name of Halvdan, who carved it while in the employ of the Byzantine emperor. It's only natural that bathroom goers would do the same.
+19 +1
motionEmotion is an emotion & gesture-based arpeggiator and synthesizer. It uses the webcam to detect points of motion on the screen and tracks the user's emotion. It draws triangles between the points of motion, and each triangle represents a note in an arpeggio/scale that is determined by the user's emotion.
+14 +1
Watch an Entire Hour of Jessica Fletcher Eureka-Face On "Murder, She Wrote"
This supercut captures the constant state of epiphany Jessica Fletcher maintained throughout the course of Murder, She Wrote. Finally!
+15 +1
The world map of emoji usage
Russia's favourite emoji is particularly surprising...
+14 +1
City Index. Penalties for graffiti
Anti-graffiti enforcement is expensive. By one estimate, the U.S. spends between 15 and 18 billion dollars a year to “monitor, detect, remove, and repair graffiti damage.” Around the world, laws vary. In this week’s City Index, we found cities that want to scare the hell out of people with draconian laws and cities that are questioning the wisdom of trying to police graffiti at all. These are some of their harshest penalties for graffiti.
+17 +1
Why Society Needs to Protect Art's Profound Ability to Shock
In 1999, artist Chris Ofili put on display in New York City a painting he made depicting the Virgin Mary as part of an exhibition called Sensation. The work, "The Holy Virgin Mary," is a riot of tropical color that plays toward none of the usual cliches of Western Christian imagery. Mary's skin is dark and her lips wide and red. Her robe is open to bare one breast, which is represented by a piece of dried elephant dung that Ofili had appropriated.
+11 +1
I'm an Internet Troll and Proud of It
Internet trolls can enliven intellectual debate, but too often they engage in harassment that leads to closure of comment sections.
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