
Deadly H7N9 virus is creeping back - 19 quarantined after second Hong Kong case.

Hong Kong health officials have quarantined 19 people who had contact with an 80-year-old man confirmed to have the city’s second case of H7N9 influenza, which has killed 45 people in China this year.

10 years ago by Caz with 2 comments

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  • geoleo (edited 10 years ago)

    They're currently working on a vaccine. Hopefully this gets eradicated before it does any significant damage.

    BTW, next time you wanna share an article, just create a snap. You can put it into multiple tribes, and it'll appear on the front page.

    • Caz (edited 10 years ago)

      Thanks, this place is still confusing to me. This post was an experiment.