Text Post: Fat people and smokers posted by ritornare
  • utesred

    I think a large part of it revolves around choice. All smokers made the conscious decision to start smoking at some point in their lives. There are very few overweight/obese people who make a conscious decision to be obese.

    Furthermore, overweight/obese people cannot all do something about their problem. Yes, many can fix their diet, increase exercise, etc; but others are inflicted by things outside their control. Genetics, formal education, average income, location, and other social factors all contribute to a likelihood of a given person being overweight.

    • Fuyu

      I would say obesity is caused by choice in most cases, just the effects are not immediately seen because weight gain is gradual. If you hit the 200-something pound mark (maybe 300 depending on if you are a tall and broad male) and don't start making an effort to lower or at least maintain it, you're accepting you will just keep getting fatter. Being 400+ pounds is unacceptable in almost all cases.

      Sure, refusing to date someone because they're a little pudgy and 20+ the average weight is being rather shallow, but not wanting to date someone who is horribly unhealthy and unattractive to you should never be looked down upon. In fact, you should never really be looked down on for having standards/specific tastes in people, whether that trait is voluntary or not.