
What is the coolest / craziest thing your pet has ever done? Cat, dog, bird, lizard, whatever...

I had a black lab named Whiskey and he would always pick random stuff off the table or floor and bring em to me. I figured I'll see how far I can milk this so I started to point at things and say "bring it", to my surprise he did! Fast forward a few weeks and I taught the little dude to bring me beer without damaging it by biting through the can. He got exceptionally good at it and even understood that when someone passes him a beer he needs to bring it to the person that calls out "bring it". Anyway, one day we set up camp at the beach and all of the sudden I can't find Whiskey... I start calling for him and lo and behold he shows up with a six pack of beer in his mouth and drops it at my feet. We burst out laughing, best dog ever!

Your turn...

8 years ago by KondoR with 22 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    I'm not entirely sure if this qualifies as it only involved my dog, but hell I'll tell it anyway. When I got my pup in 2008 I decided to sidewalk train him, as my goal was to teach him to walk along side of me at all times on a surface like or resembling a sidewalk with no leash. It took a couple of months of walking him and constantly correcting him by pointing out the curb, and so on. For those of you wondering, I did all of this on a remote street that was used for people driving to and from of their apartments so the street was generally empty most of the time. One day I am walking my pooch and on the other side of the street there is a woman walking her little dash hound, she notices that my dog is walking without a leash and promptly decides to unhook her dog as well. At this very moment a cab was heading towards the gate and the dash hound ran out onto the street only to be met by the cab driving over him and then slamming on the brakes. The lady is screaming, the cab driver is in panic, my dog literally hid behind me and I'm standing there with a smile on my face because I just realized that the dog was alright. A few minor cuts and bruises a LOT of whining but to everyone's relief the dog was ok. To this day my pooch doesn't go on the street, he sticks to my leg when we walk in the park and only leaves my side when I say its ok to, even when he sees other dogs and wants to play.

    • spacepopper

      Did your dog have a problem with cars after that?

      • drunkenninja

        Nope, he's totally fine around and inside of cars. Actually now that I think about it hes strangely calm when hes in a car. He doesn't stick his head out, or lick the windows, or whine. He chills out all the way until we arrive.

  • Apolatia

    My cat jumped in the dryer once because it was still warm from the towels I took out. When I threw in the next load I noticed him in there at the last second. Idiot.

    • spacepopper
      • KondoR

        Just trying to imagine what the cat experienced in this scenario.

    • baron778

      Can that be fatal even?

      • Apolatia

        Yeah, the heat and the tumbling action can wreak havoc on his little body.

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  • paperplainjane

    My cat used to get jealous of a piggy bank I had that was shaped like a pig. Every time I'd put money into it he'd get into a pose exactly like the pig and park himself up next to it and stare blankly for a while. It looked really strange.

    • spacepopper

      Jealousy is a powerful thing, he wants you all to himself!

  • 90boss

    I had a couple pet rats back in my college days and they would figure out ways to escape their cage and end up running around my condo, like a scene from Pinky and the Brain. I ended up realizing that if it was just one rat it would be impossible, but they tend to work together very effectively. Rac died first and Ett went 3 weeks later, I think she missed him.

    • drunkenninja

      Dude... I had a buddy that was fascinated with rats and would do all sorts of intelligence tests on em. The best one I've seen is, ahh screw it 1 sec.

      Hah, my friend had a couple of rats a while back and they were super smart. One would help leverage this hanging object so the other could climb up on it and get to the food, once one got to the food, the rat then reached down and helped the other rat up onto the stage. It was fascinating to watch how they teamed up to solve problems.

      Their collective intelligence and teamwork is ridiculously good.

    • sugartoad

      Rats are smart.

    • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

      I had rats for years and kept them atop a door with a low "fence" around it. Every now and then, one would fall out..Said rats were smart enough to know the only way to get back in was to find me and sit on my foot. Once one had got out and I could not find him..Then,that night,as i was brushing my teeth, I felt my sweet rat sit on my foot. Rats never cease to amaze me. if they had a longer life span, I would still have them.

      Their collective intelligence and teamwork is ridiculously good.

      I had two brother rats a friend gave me who would team up to get the better of the larger male rats. It was fun to watch.

  • bogdan

    Not sure if this fits in, but I had a dog when I was like 5. I was living in a small apartment so we had to take him to the countryside. He was taken by car and I was sure I'd never see him again. Somehow he found his way back home a few days later.

    • drunkenninja

      Dogs and cats have GPS quality navigational skills, I learned this in the movie Bingo. Watch it, seriously... it's good.