  • Spacerockboy

    For me I am noticing the younger generation is getting worse at asking questions in order to make sense of the unknown. "How do I fix...", "How can I get...", etc. Growing up without the internet, you needed to experiment, draw from your prior experience, or pop out to the library to do research. Today - I have those "old school" skills that I can use on Google/YouTube with great success. Need to fix the washing machine transmission? There are 200+ videos on how to do it - all you need to know now is what questions to ask and you can tap into the collective experience of the world. For younger people - if it is not instantly available or easy to digest as a factoid/tidbit, I see less interest in them digging in and learning on their own.

    Technology/social media is getting so good at serving up what people want - creating pure consumers. Young people need to grow and flex their "discovery muscles".

    ... Now get off my lawn

    • PushPull (edited 8 years ago)

      "Growing up without the internet, you needed to experiment, draw from your prior experience, or pop out to the library to do research."

      Or flat out asking someone who did know.