  • redalastor

    I prefer that language be assigned to tribes first.

    Let say I post "The Scream" by Munch. It's a painting, who knows what language that guy is screaming in? But I probably didn't intend the discussion to be in Korean.

    If the language belongs to the tribe, then when I post my painting, I get presented with the choices of language that appear in all those tribes and I must select one or more. If they have no language in common, I can't post.

    Another exemple, if Rammstein comes to Montreal and I want to post a videoclip to /t/quebec, the video will be in German but I will want to set French/English anyway.

    The language is not really the language of the snap but more the language the discussion should be in.

    • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

      What if we had a tab under each snap for each discussion language? If we wanted to start a discussion in a language that is not yet present, we'd have to create it before we can discuss. That way we don't have to limit where the snaps are posted. We could lift that limitation of having compatible languages in different tribes.

      • redalastor

        Then what happens to tribes where discussions happen bilingually? In /r/Quebec for instance people reply to each other in French or English in the same discussion.

        That said, given the nature of cross-tribe sharing, your alternative could be for the best.

        • Bastou

          It's becoming complicated, but in the cases of specific tribes such as /t/Quebec, where more than one language is understood globally by many, even most subscribers of the tribe, we could have more than one language identified in the tab.

          • redalastor

            Yeah, but that sounds like one of those more complex things that ought that can wait until basic support is there...

            I like splitting the discussion into multiple languages.