
I have a plan. What do you think?

Following redalastor' idea, we can make a plan step by step to gt to that ideal (or at least a similar one) :

Considering snaps are belong to the users who posted them, they don't have such big links to the tribes they appear in.
Considering also that it's the individual users who have the ability, or not, to understand certain languages, and the will, or not, to hide the languages they don't understand.

  1. We already have the possibility to assign tags to snaps, so we can start by tagging every snap that is not in English with the English name of the language(s) in which they are (I've put an 's' there because there could be a video with 2, 3 or more languages spoken in it, for example). It's important that this is standard for the next steps. I don't know Snapzu well enough yet to know exactly wht we can and can't do with a snap's tags (can we filter it in any way? can we search for it?)

  2. The first thing that will need to be coded by Snapzu's admins, is the possibility to formally identify a snap's language(s). They could use the tags as the default value when rolling out the feature, with English only being assigned if no other language name is found within the tags. When the feature is out, the language setting of new snaps becomes mandatory, with English only selected by default (for now).

  3. I'd actually put this step at the same time as the previous one, but it's not absolutely required. We then build a simple filter system where we could show or hide content in one language throughout the site (a per user setting).
  4. To simplify everyone's lives, we allow each user, hrough their settings, to select the languages they understand, with one main or default language. We could then allow them to automatically filter all content based on this setting, I'd still put a check box asking if they want to activate this filter or not (some people might want to aee all content from the people they follow, even if they don't understand it). And, we'd put these languages first in the list of languages they can choose for their new snaps, with the one they have as main selected by default, so most of the time, the right language is selected for their snaps.
  5. Then, we can do the same with tribes, and put a checkbox in the tribe's settings to indicate if we allow content in languages that aren't selected or not.

The beauty of it is that it can be implemented step by step, and it works all the way. We don't have to make one giant update with all the features. And we have the time to test everything and reconsider between each step if the idea was good or not, so we can ajust each subsequent step.

Now, for text posts. For now they belong to a tribe, but it seems they will be treated the same way as snaps in the next update, so we can aply the same logic as the snaps.

9 years ago by Bastou with 5 comments

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  • redalastor

    I prefer that language be assigned to tribes first.

    Let say I post "The Scream" by Munch. It's a painting, who knows what language that guy is screaming in? But I probably didn't intend the discussion to be in Korean.

    If the language belongs to the tribe, then when I post my painting, I get presented with the choices of language that appear in all those tribes and I must select one or more. If they have no language in common, I can't post.

    Another exemple, if Rammstein comes to Montreal and I want to post a videoclip to /t/quebec, the video will be in German but I will want to set French/English anyway.

    The language is not really the language of the snap but more the language the discussion should be in.

    • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

      What if we had a tab under each snap for each discussion language? If we wanted to start a discussion in a language that is not yet present, we'd have to create it before we can discuss. That way we don't have to limit where the snaps are posted. We could lift that limitation of having compatible languages in different tribes.

      • redalastor

        Then what happens to tribes where discussions happen bilingually? In /r/Quebec for instance people reply to each other in French or English in the same discussion.

        That said, given the nature of cross-tribe sharing, your alternative could be for the best.

        • Bastou

          It's becoming complicated, but in the cases of specific tribes such as /t/Quebec, where more than one language is understood globally by many, even most subscribers of the tribe, we could have more than one language identified in the tab.

          • redalastor

            Yeah, but that sounds like one of those more complex things that ought that can wait until basic support is there...

            I like splitting the discussion into multiple languages.