  • 0r4n9e

    Aaargh, the nitpicker in me cannot hold back! I'd just like to comment that "foreign" depends on where you're located and this is a global community. Sorry. As you were.

    • nik

      Fair enough - but /t/music is generally music in English, so I wanted a place for music that's not in English.

      • double2

        Foreign is not the right word for what you mean then. nonenglishlanguagemusic is pretty much the only way you can express that. Back to the drawing board!

        • imnotgoats

          'World Music'? From Wikipedia:

          World music is a musical category encompassing many different styles of music from around the world, including traditional music, neotraditional music, and music where more than one cultural tradition intermingle.

        • nik

          Yeah, I'm not about to start a whole new tribe. I mean, if you want to, you can start your own tribe, or just not join it. I think people get the point though.