Text Post: What made you join the tribe? posted by Xeno
  • GeniusIComeAnon

    1. I just expect some nice discussion and maybe to meet some new people here!

    2. I'm not entirely sure; in fact, I'm having a similar problem in my own tribes!

    3. I joined it when I saw it was created because I like the concept.

    Llamas always seemed really fun, but I'm gonna say goats just because I've owned them before. :P

    • Xeno

      Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you joining a new tribe on concept alone, I hope we are able to grow and become more active and help you meet some people. :)

      I've heard llamas are mean, so goats are probably a good choice. Though I like saying llama, it has a nice ring to it.

      • GeniusIComeAnon

        No problem! I hope to see this tribe become something great :)