  • Matime

    Holy Chowder Catman! In no way was I expecting such a response, thank you VERY much for the help! Ill definitely look at the YouTube channel and and subscribe to penandpaper for now. Once i get a hang of things Ill go try finding people in real life with the suggestion you gave me! If theres anything I can help ya with, donno if there is, but just ask and Ill see if I can help out!

    • Wenjarich

      Hey man, you should come take a look here. :)

      • Matime

        Id love to sign up but I havent had the chance to look at anything since I've been pretty fruitin' busy this past weekend.:(

      • Wenjarich
        @Matime -

        Just thought I'd let you know. :) Also if you notice he does post the rules there for you to read. It is a very simple system to use. I have never played Dungeon World yet I will be in thr game. Maybe drop the guy a message and find out what his thoughts on an absolute new player joining are.

    • Wenjarich

      Glad to be of some help :)

      Side not: "Holy Chowder Catman!" is a really cool term of exclamation hahaha