  • hitops (edited 9 years ago)

    I love the Mountain Goats. I saw them live about two years ago and it was actually a way cooler show than I of my favorite in a long time, actually. It took place in a church, and there's nothing like hearing 500 people yell the words "Hail Satan!" in a church as loud as they can.

    They're not exactly unknown, but I also love Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst ("Lover I Don't Have to Love", "Bowl of Oranges", "Zigzagging Towards the Light").

    Also, the River City Extension song with the best lyrics (imo) is "Today I Feel Like I'm Evolving", not what I put in the OP.

    • captainjib

      I saw them live as well; the show completely blew me away. I had heard that they were great but all of my expectations were greatly exceeded. It was a relatively small crowd, everyone knew all of the lyrics, and you just got the feeling that everyone really wanted to be there : ) Also the fact that you saw them in a church is hilarious and awesome!