
Tectonic Edge in Modern UWR Control - am I insane for thinking that it has no place in the deck?

I play Modern primarily, and my deck of choice is UWR Control, and with the recent surge of Blood Moon type effect, and the "resurgence" of Stone Rain type cards in decks such as burn and UR Tempo Twin, I've learned how vulnerable the deck can be to mana denial. If you look at ANY UWR Control deck on MTGO Goldfish, you can see that every list, almost without exception, runs three Tectonic Edges.

On top of this, I've only had Tectonic edge be remotely good against Jund and Tron, decks that I, in general, have no trouble beating without Tectonic Edge. More often than not, I'm forced to mulligan hands that have Tec Edge, Tec Edge, Fetch, Helix, Command, Supreme Verdict and Electrolize. I've recently switched to adding a single mountain, plains and island to the main deck, and cutting the three Tectonic Edges. I've noticed a huge improvement in the number of hands I'm able to keep, and my ability to play my spells on turn without always need to take a shock.

Whats your opinion? Is the ability to deny a couple colors to other color-hungry decks such as Jund, or to be able to Tec Edge Tron lands worth the mulligans? I'll admit, they have won me a few games, but I simply cannot see them being worth the cost.

11 years ago by Uncooked

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