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11 years agoAchievement Uncooked
Rock Star
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11 years agoComment Uncooked
Seems like insanity. Why would any entity that produces or manages technology use anything other than Linux? While the Mac and Linux are closely related, getting Dev environments to match production can be a constant hassle. Why aggravate it since almost all of their products are going to be deployed onto some form of Linux.
11 years agoLevel Up Uncooked
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11 years agoText Post Uncooked
Tectonic Edge in Modern UWR Control - am I insane for thinking that it has no place in the deck?
11 years agoAnalysis Uncooked
The Recession ยป Brainstorm Brewery
An interesting look at the parallels between real-world stock markets, their recessions and the recent debacle on MTGO. While Wizards may have reopened some of the Premier Events, MTGO is still built on shaky ground, and there still has been no announcement on the return of PTQ and MOCS return dates. While the author admits that this article was written before the announcement of PEs reopening, his points are equally as valid now as ever.