  • RockyTron

    I just watched this the other night on Netflix. Horrible, horrible movie. Shitty scifi, shitty horror, bad acting, plot holes galore... I was committed so I finished it but I may have lost a few IQ points in the process!

    • Project2501

      it's one redeeming quality was the landscape shots, and general cinematography. I don't know what it is about Scott, but he either makes really good films, or horrible films, and it almost always has to do with the writing. He knows how to make a film look good.

      However, "Shitty scifi, shitty horror, bad acting, plot holes galore" are all reasons why i haven't watched it since that one time. More films, and shows are stepping up their cinematography, so even the one thing it did well, has been matched. The one annoying thing is that Prometheus effectively put del Toro's At The Mountains of Madness on hold, no idea what the word is now.

      • RockyTron

        Huh, you are right about the imagery, it was an impressive movie for its sense of scale, especially the outside shots. Too bad for the vapid writing.