  • Kysol

    I think post-FPH was the time to be careful, but we dodged a bullet with most going to VOAT. The people leaving due to the d/r/iAMA event might be a little more civil.. if you know what I mean :D

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, what was worrying was the FPH stuff. Now that we are past that phase and they have the voat boat, we can welcome the civil peeps with open arms.

      • Moderator (edited 8 years ago)

        To be quite frank, it's the influx of shitty reddit culture that I'm worried about, regardless of where the users are coming from. There are shitty people all over reddit — not just FPH (and many FPHers were very civil despite everything) — so to assume these incomers will be civil is naive.

        In any case, Snapzu has my full support.

        • ressmox

          I wholeheartedly agree. It's probably the main reason I stopped using reddit outside of a few subreddits, and the Snapzu community is why I like it so much atm. Not even about FPH and other 'bullying' type subreddits, I've just grown tired the general mentality and culture.

        • picklefingers

          That's true, but from what I've seen, site culture doesn't really transfer from site to site. Most users tend to adopt their new sites culture. We just need to be adamant with the type of content we wish to see on the site.

          • Moderator

            Right, and that's what we've been trying to encourage. The problem is when there are so many new users that the pre-existing culture is overwhelmed, which is why I think we should be careful. That's all.

          • picklefingers
            @Moderator -

            I really doubt that will happen though with the invite system. Because of the system, it makes a voat/digg like exodus next to impossible. Even if the dump thread absolutely blows up (as in, gets on all or something), it would still keep the new members trickling rather than surging.

          • Kysol
            @picklefingers -

            One thing that could be done is if there was a LB infront of a bunch of nodes. If the LB detects that you are a current member it sends it through to a bank of servers dedicated to existing members. That leaves non-existing members curiously looking at the front pages battle over a few servers that if they go down, it doesn't stop existing members from continuing to populate the site with content.

            In saying that though, if the bottleneck is more the Databases that the front end nodes, then maybe look at replicating across a cluster of databases throwing non-members at specifically configured read focused databases rather than read/write.

            I dunno some thoughts for keeping the site up for if we do get another hug of dead from Reddit Exodus 3: The Final Straw

          • CaCtUs2003

            I actually like Snapzu. It seems very chill here. Moreso than Reddit or Voat at the moment.

        • drunkenninja

          Glad we got your support. I think if we all lead by example and make sure we create a community we would all like to be a part of we can do a lot to stop this place to be a hateful cesspool.

      • PrismDragon

        Yeah. Though, we might need more mods to compensate for the increased number of people.

      • kigurame

        I think we handled the FPH stuff pretty well not to mention the invite rally we ran gave us a quite a few great and active members.

    • pikachu

      I'm new here, what's FPH and VOAT? Thanks!

      • sduque942

        VOAT is another reddit alternative but is open unlike snapzu, FPH is fat people hate a subreddit that was closed recently a caused a lot of people to miggrate off of reddit (dont know if thats right but it doesn sound right)

        • Kysol

          Yeah VOAT is another Reddit alternative that claims Free Speech, but has seen it's up and downs with hosts due to them not wanting a piece of what has been said on the platform. Not hating, to each their own.

          FPH was one of the subreddits banned by the owners of Reddit which caused the first exodus from Reddit a few weeks back. Snapzu and VOAT saw an influx of new users wanting to find a place that was "better" than Reddit.

          We are now seeing the second mass exodus from Reddit. I don't know how many more they will have in them from what I'm seeing with the current protests from some major subreddits going private.

        • pikachu

          Oh, I see. Thanks!