  • ToixStory

    I never really stopped using reddit, honestly, I just use it for different things. I now use Snapzu to have discussions and post content because it feels more rewarding than on reddit, while on reddit I mostly browse the earthporn and other ____porn sections for pretty pictures and otherwise just lurk. I imagine it being similar for some, taking all the content posts over to snapzu while remaining a lurker on reddit.

    • Fooferhill

      Interested to know what will make you stay with SNAPZU. What encourages your presence here?

      • ToixStory

        Like I said, it feels much more rewarding to have discussions here and post content. On reddit I felt like I had to self-moderate my own posts to keep with the popular opinions on reedit or else be downvoted to oblivion, whereas on Snapzu it feels much more welcoming to actual open and civil discussion and content posting. Definitely to the point of making me prefer to go here the majority of the time.

        • Fooferhill

          Great point. It's safer to express your view and I think difference is respected a bit more. Hope it stays.