  • spaceghoti

    Reposting, that is to say lots of people posting links to a single event or topic in a similar time frame, is commonly perceived as a problem on social media like this. I think it's a strength where people can see multiple perspectives on the event or topic rather than be funneled into a single perspective based on whomever posted first. So we either end up with multiple snaps on the same topic or we can see multiple perspectives within the same snaps. Thus: related links.

    I don't have a problem with multiple snaps or related links or both. When I see someone has posted on the same topic from a different source I point to that snap because I want viewers to see that it's there. I think you should get just as much credit for posting as I did rather than hog it all because I happened to get there first. There was a discussion last week (I can't find it, of course) about how to handle reposting and if it would be possible or advisable to merge links. I think cross-linking snaps through relevant links would be a good way to identify which snaps could be merged.

    • BlueOracle

      I do like the idea of grouping and/or merging! I would love to be able to easily merge my snap with another, because deleting it and then adding it as a related link somewhere else is annoying. It gets even trickier if the post gets up-voted or links are added, because then I don't feel like I can just delete it as usual. Maybe the merging thing would resolve this whole issue? I'm certainly in favor of it if it can be arranged.

      I'm sorry I missed that other discussion, but I'm glad it's a sticky. :)

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