  • Appaloosa

    I'm planning my vacations now with this roadmap. This is a great public service. You should connect with travel agents!

    • CrookedTale

      May I suggest you save all your vacation Photos for National Social Media day.
      June 30th SOCIAL MEDIA DAY

      Social Media Day is observed annually on June 30th. In it’s short life, social media has redefined how people interact, communicate and share with family, friends and the world.

      With the launch of Friendster in 2002 and MySpace in 2003, social media had become mainstream. 2004 brought the founding of the king of social media, Facebook. Twitter brought social media to the traveling public with encouraging people to post under 140 characters with their smart phones.

      Social media has made it possible to stay connected and informed about what is going in with those you care about. Re-connecting with classmates, past work associates and more is also an important part of social media.


      Post something on your favorite social media platform. Find a social media meetup in your area. Use #SMDay when posting and to remind others of this day.


      Social Media Day was founded in 2010 by Mashable.