  • Nanotwerp

    I must confess that reddit is still my #1. For now, at least! Snapzu will eventually replace it.

    • drunkenninja

      Can't blame ya :) Snapzu is the underdog, it has a smaller community and much much less content, but it has a lot going for itself. On reddit I feel like an ant in the ocean, here I feel like I can make a positive change.

      • Nanotwerp

        You just stated exactly how I feel about Snapzu compared to reddit. I think Snapzu was made to be a bit more social in a way, with stuff like followers, which reddit doesn't focus much on. I feel a bit more bigger on Snapzu than I do on reddit, even though I've had an account on reddit for over a year.

        • kigurame

          I've been on reddit pretty much since it's beginning and in the early years there was a great community which made you feel truly welcome. As it's userbase grew this rapidly diminished. While reddit still has a LOT more content the maturity level of the average redditor has plummeted to a all time low. I'm hoping Snapzu will somehow manage to avoid that.

          • Nanotwerp

            I remember when reddit was that secret community that wasn't in the mainstream. Now, it isn't so much. Reddit posts literally go on the news and on talk shows, now. Not to mention it is currently 29 on Alexa, making it one of the most visited websites in the world.

          • kigurame
            @Nanotwerp -

            Reddit has become quite a powerful media tool which can be a great and wonderful thing and a lot of good can come from it just look at what redditors have achieved over the years. This however is also it's greatest danger with the right manipulation and spin reddit can be used as a tool to sway public opinion on pretty much anything.

          • Nanotwerp
            @kigurame -

            The hive minds can be very insane. You probably remember the terrible 'witch hunts', right?

          • Gozzin

            While reddit still has a LOT more content the maturity level of the average redditor has plummeted to a all time low. I'm hoping Snapzu will somehow manage to avoid that.

            Oh so true. It's so gone downhill. My favorites are Bunspace, Snapzu,,and I just visit a few of the subs on Reddit.

          • Nanotwerp
            @Gozzin -

            I'd like to believe that Bunspace came before Myspace, and Myspace was based on it.