  • Ishmu07

    I think your last paragraph sums up my perspective entirely. My history is not nearly as experienced as yours because I started with Digg around 2005-2006 just looking for interesting posts and entertainment. I was always afraid to post any comments, as I could tell from the beginning it had to be funny to get any attention. Then the Digg redesign sent the first major exodus to Reddit.

    Reddit showed a lot of promise and even felt more community-focused when I first got there. But it didn't take long for the tasteless jokes and memes to take over the comments section. I stuck with it because of the specialized discussion threads provided by subreddits, but found that the commentary slowly lost its intellectual nature as meaningful statements were generally downvoted out of view.

    Then the recent events took place, which opened up /r/redditalternatives. That's how I came here, where it feels like we can actually talk openly and respectfully again. What's more, Reddit has hired one of its original creators to replace Ellen Pao, which seems to be drawing people back to the site. The general sentiment seems to be that there's no more need for any Reddit alternatives. While, I wish them all the best, I'm going to stay here. Hopefully the tides are turning back just enough to help preserve the community-focused nature found here at Snapzu before its size got too big to maintain.

    Looking forward to an insightful future here at Snapzu!

    • davidrools

      I found Snapzu through /r/redditalternatives as well. I think the timing actually worked out well. All the die-hard anti-censorship FPH folks are over at Voat, since that was THE reddit alternative earlier this week.

      I'm hoping Snapzu might end up being like the reddit of old, where the population was generally nerdier, more technical, and intellectual.

      I think people like you and me have been open to a reddit alternative for a long time, and it's this recent series of events that's pushed us to actually find one and go there.