
Just got in. How's everyone doing?

8 years ago by Breklin with 9 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    My friend suffered a seizure and is in the hospital, my mother turned her computer on and burned her house down (I don't have any details except that she lived) and my apartment is infested with bedbugs.

    Other than that I'm doing well. How about you?

    • Breklin

      That's rough.

      • spaceghoti

        What surprised me most is that my friend's wife didn't call us when they entered the hospital even though we would have been willing to make an appearance beforehand. He asked for us after he woke up.

        I'm also slightly surprised that I didn't hear from my mother about her tragedy, it came through my brother. On the other hand my mother is displeased with me for my support of marriage equality.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Yikes dude. Rough week. :( There are some good stress relief and relaxation exercises on /t/awesomewebsites.

  • Pockets69

    Just good, chillin and like most likely you learning more about snapzu :)

    how about you?

  • ballpointcarrot

    Not too shabby here - just found my way into Snapzu this morning, too.

    Currently, I'm playing around with the interface and options, and trying to get used to everything here (as one of the many reddit refugees), while waiting for code to build at work.

    Tomorrow, I'm hosting a BBQ for a couple of friends.

    For the future: weighing the pros and cons of moving to Japan.

  • VoyagerXyX

    Fantastic thanks for asking! :D How are you? If you're bored wander over to /t/newtribes and do some exploring. If you like things a little more organized there's always the Tribe Index. Please ask if you need help with anything on Snapzu. /t/asksnapzu is incredibly helpful. Everyone is super friendly here so don't be afraid to start discussions and share content. :) See you around!

  • neg8ivezero

    I am doing quite well. I am wasting away my work day, checking Snapzu instead of writing out the meeting itinerary that I need to get done.

    Honestly though, in the spirit of good conversation, a lot more is going on under the surface:

    I have been dealing with the potential that I may be autistic. I dont' want to sound like a crazy self-diagnoser, please hear me out. I am close friends with someone who has aspergers, I have a close relative who is working on becoming an ABA and her son has Aspergers. I am very familiar with the traits associated with various cases of autism and have also taken multiple screening tests. Based on my screening results and the opinions of a few experienced people, I believe I may be a high functioning autistic person. I could get a formal diagnosis but it really doesn't appeal to me because I have lived my whole life up to this point without it and I don't know that I see the benefit of getting it. To be more truthful, basically I am afraid to get the diagnosis.

    Looking back at my life and examining my childhood, a lot of previously perplexing things have started to make a lot of sense through the perspective of potentially being autistic. However, I fear how this might change people's perception of me if I were to get formally diagnosed. A couple of my close friends have asked me before if I was autistic but I just chalked it up to my introversion and short attention span, never really giving the idea much thought. I fear that though most would be outwardly understanding and nice about it, many would inwardly view me differently and perhaps even think of me as less intelligent, less compassionate, or less of something.

    Also, another thing on my mind is my work. I really hate my job but it pays super well, considering my lack of qualifications. In this job I have had the awesome opportunity to provide our company's services to an LGBT group and my superiors are doing everything in their power to make sure the deal falls through. My company is very conservative and maintains ties with right-wing conservative views, they view any event associated with the LGBT community as bad press. I know what the right thing to do is by my "moral code" but it may mean risking my family's only source of income. Furthermore, I would be unqualified to find another job making equal pay.

    All that being said, I truly am doing quite well. I have food, shelter, water, sex, love, and family. I don't fear for my life on a daily basis, I don't have any real problems, mostly just little stuff that starts to chafe away at me over time.

  • CuriousCJ

    Doing pretty well, thanks. How about yourself? I just found my way to snapzu this morning and I'm liking the look of it. It's nice to have more options no matter what you're dealing with. Hopefully I won't spend too much time procrastinating on here :)