  • uprisinq

    I'm very sure the owners want this site to become bigger than it already is. But this site is an invitation-only site so I bet they are aiming for a slower rate so it doesn't crash like Reddit (not exactly crash, I hope you understand my point haha.)

    • Fishes

      lol, Reddit goes offline way too often.

      Right now if anyone is interested in joining, reddit is a great place to get an invite code. There's posts all over with people asking for invite codes and people posting them. The place I got an invite code was part of a post with hundreds of invite codes, so I think it is working for people who don't do the simple google search 'Snapzu invite code'.

      • ecstasybread (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah, given how easy it is to get an invite code I'm not sure how effective that system is at slowing down the rate of new users right now. I suppose some effort is still required, so perhaps it does still stop people from signing up without giving it any thought. I wonder what would have happened if the invite system wasn't there.

        • baron778

          The site would have probably been offline the entire time. There was something like 15,000 invite requests in one day when reddit had their AMAgeddon.

          • double2

            Why is this the first time I have seen the work AMAgeddon?