  • rti9

    While no comments is something worrisome since it points out our small population, it might not be all that bad. A common thing that happened on Reddit would be people who would just read the title of the post and go directly to the comments section to know what were the top opinions about the whatever was posted. "How should I feel?" was a common joke. Sometimes you would get people who wouldn´t even read the articles, they just want an excuse to scream their opinions or make some stupid joke about something barely related to the title.

    Usually the only comments I would pay attention would be of specialists of the area, like a scientist talking about his/her area of expertise and even then you had to watch out because quite often someone would point out "this person isn´t a nurse, just look at the comment history!" All this lying, attention whoring, drama, poweruser circles, etc. really wore me out.

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