
Hi everyone.

Greetings Snapzu! After 5 years+ on Reddit, it's beginning to feel like it's time to move on to new and different things. While Voat is being pushed heavily by the Reddit disenfranchised, that site really felt to me like a sub-par clone and just more of the same. Everything I've seen on Snapzu so far has been nice. The community appears to be friendly and the content, comments, and variety of "tribes" seems to be solid.

I'm sure it will take a bit to get used to the different interface, but the organization and layout of Snapzu seems intuitive and easy enough to navigate. It's good to be here.

8 years ago by Apathist with 2 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    It's really great to have you, make yourself at home!

  • twoBits

    Hello! I am a long time Reddit user as well. I think you'll like it here; I enjoy it a lot and hope you do too.