Text Post: Second day impressions posted by bogdan
  • trashhalo (edited 8 years ago)

    Would like to add to your feedback since people seem to be reading this thread

    * please put a much more prominent contact us button on the page. It took me way too long to figure out who to send bug reports too.
    * I know you guys will have a mobile app soon but please fix rendering on iPhone safari. Everything is so small and I have to slide this page around to get stuff in view.
    * Publish an api!!!

    Spent some time poking around your js code last night.
    * your littering the global namespace with all your function declarations. It's considered a bad practice due to possibility of collisions. Put everything under a single global object.
    * 99% of your ui code is Dom building in jquery. This isn't going to scale as you build more features. Pick a modern js framework. Angular. React. Jsblocks. Etc etc. I promise you future you is going to regret all these jquery calls.